Example sentences of "stare [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 How he must have stared through the grid at freedom , and squinted hopelessly at the waxed wingnuts securing the gate of his oubliette .
2 They both turned to stare in the direction of the captain .
3 ‘ If you would but use her , ’ said David , and turned his back and went to stare from the window at the frosty strand and the shifting , misty sea .
4 Nell continued to stare at the sea for a very long time .
5 The tweed-coated figure continued to stare at the page of the book to the left of his plate , ignoring his companion .
6 Instead , he turned away to stare at the picture of her mother which was on the chest of drawers .
7 The Prince shook an admonishing finger at the Rifleman then took out his telescope to stare at the battery of French guns .
8 He raised his right hand to silence her and continued to stare at the tabletop before him , head cocked to one side .
9 We continued to stare at the corner of the field for some time , expecting to see some movement .
10 She would have been quite content simply to stare at the house for hours , and she was still sitting there when Alain opened her door and bent to look in at her .
11 Wide-eyed , her throat suddenly dry , she turned her head to stare at the length of his body .
12 I used to stare by the hour at the old and the new vistas side by side .
13 No one who had stared into the chaos of the warp , no one whose living was to do so , could be unsophisticated and survive .
14 For a time the eagles were speechless with surprise at what had happened and could only stare through the Cages to Woil who had now taken stance again on the branch where he had originally been and was grooming himself as if nothing had happened .
15 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
16 He made himself stare into the eyes in which , to his discomfort , he saw more pain than anger .
17 Film Postcards from the edge Anne Billson stares into the abyss with Lawrence Kasdan , and starts to panic
18 Animal programmes force us to look at our fears : we stare into the eyes of the enemy ( bats , rats , snakes , sharks , wasps ) .
19 Leonora dreamed of the fierce rapture they 'd shared on the island and began to long for Penry to want her violently , to stop treating her like a younger sister , and sometimes after he 'd gone she 'd stare in the mirror in discontent , wishing she were tall , or voluptuous , or blonde .
20 None of the young women you see in the photographs in this book is a model , and none had cultivated and practised the professional gaze we are used to seeing stare from the pages of a magazine .
21 He stares at the streets near him and hopes the grief he sees there is something that happens to other people .
22 And I stare at the handprints on the ceiling .
23 And so we stare at the pit in the earth and think we both do and do n't know what sculpture is ’ .
24 I stare at the back of the driver 's head .
25 I hold my shivering knees and stare at the shadows on the walls .
26 You stare at the gear in the drawer , a glow in your belly spreading through you .
27 For too long , we have stared from the moon in reproachful silence at this spectacle .
28 It had taken almost half an hour to reach his office along streets jammed with tourist coaches , the Americans inside staring through the windows at the neon Tel Aviv highway sign that glowed through the drizzle .
29 Montgomery was staring through the windscreen with his chilly blue eyes , presumably working out his plan of action once they arrived .
30 He slumped , then turned slightly , staring through the gloom of the house towards the north , as if he could see through the walls , through the wood , to that place of battle , that cold place , which lay northwards and to which he and Tallis — as everything that passed this way seemed to be moving .
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