Example sentences of "relatively high [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At a relatively high level of abstraction it is simple to draw a distinction between pluralist , elitist and Marxist approaches to the distribution of political power .
2 However , it might use closed lump-sum grants if there were simply some relatively high level of consumption which it felt was ‘ desirable and adequate ’ .
3 This may account for the relatively high level of interest being expressed in the issue .
4 A tendency to select relatively low ( conservative ) variants is associated with a relatively high level of integration into the community .
5 Although there are again differences in the use of scales in different contexts , there is generally a relatively high level of agreement between the two sets of risk ratings .
6 Moreover , although such communicators may expect a relatively high level of attention from their audiences , the complexity of the material and arguments may require extra attention and effort .
7 ( This is quite consistent with some suppliers who face a relatively low level of demand producing below normal , while those who face a relatively high level of demand produce above normal , the two groups offsetting each other . )
8 ( At present , it is set at 0.66 , which reflects the relatively high frequency of function words in normal text . )
9 Complex segregation analysis has indicated that about 30% of all Crohn 's disease patients could be homozygous for a major recessive gene with incomplete penetrance , with no residual causes of family resemblance and a relatively high frequency of homozygosity among younger onset cases .
10 These persons were not necessarily well off , but they were literate in Sinhala if not in English and had a relatively high standard of living ; they may be termed local élites .
11 The sample of courses chosen by Molloy and Carroll was designed to include a relatively high proportion of NSE students and it provides very useful material about the relative performance of SE and NSE students on these courses .
12 In the decade after independence , the relatively high price of copper allowed the government to finance a very substantial expansion of education and other social services .
13 Simple procedures such as backing up data on a regular basis , getting a fire safe , or storing master disks off-site offer a relatively high degree of protection .
14 Perhaps the greatest quality characteristic possessed by vines grown in Champagne is the ability to produce ripe grapes with a relatively high degree of acidity .
15 This pattern , which has also been a feature of aspects of Spanish policy-making since the return to democracy , contrasts with the relatively high degree of continuity , particularly on railway investment policy , of other countries .
16 The main advantage of elicitation procedures is that they give a relatively high degree of control over areas of linguistic ability which are being assessed .
17 The processes in use have frequently been heavily dependent on imports , with only a modest local added value , and have been sustained by relatively high levels of protection .
18 In 1989 the British economy was again at the wrong end of league tables for having relatively high levels of inflation , interest rates , and a trade gap .
19 This grew from three to three and a half million by 1981 and was created by a combination of net immigration , earlier and more frequent marriage , and the maintenance of relatively high levels of childbirth .
20 It has been found that injected microorganisms are able to migrate in the subsurface , but these display relatively high levels of attenuation .
21 Thus in discouraging industrial development , Derry 's marginal situation results not only in high levels of unemployment but is responsible for relatively high levels of increase in unemployment during periods of national recession .
22 It would appear then that there is some evidence that even in these areas , if students are able to draw on relevant work experience and have been suitably prepared for their degree studies , that relatively high levels of success can be achieved .
23 Despite relatively high levels of pay , there remains a shortage of trained teachers .
24 The relatively high levels of unemployment and redundancy payments in the north are important factors to consider .
25 The case studies ( Chapter 4 ) , on the basis of which the questionnaire had been developed , had contrasted a school in the more prosperous southern half of the borough with one in the north , an area consisting largely of council estates with relatively high levels of unemployment .
26 With NCp7D , which does not form a stable complex with DNA , only a very minor fraction of the DNA was present in high molecular weight complexes , even in the presence of relatively high levels of protein .
27 Within these constraints the government has also chosen to put relatively high levels of finance into the secondary and tertiary sectors , and a relatively low percentage into primary education .
28 Their particular interest was the relatively high levels of report for advertising contrasting with relatively low levels of report for traffic control devices .
29 For example , relatively high rates of inflation in one country will tend to produce balance of payments ‘ deficits ’ and a downward pressure on the exchange rate ; such a country thus faces the necessity of imposing anti-inflationary policies in order to maintain the exchange rate .
30 The chronic trade deficits have resulted in the USA becoming the major debtor country in the sense that other countries ' savings have flowed to the USA , attracted by relatively high rates of interest and the apparent security of investment in the world 's most powerful economy .
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