Example sentences of "attempt [to-vb] the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The first task in attempting to enumerate the extent and nature of informal care is to define what is meant by the term ‘ carer ’ .
2 In Europe international tensions would be kept artificially alive in order to justify massive expenditure on armaments and the construction of centralized bureaucracies and armies capable of suppressing any democratic movement attempting to challenge the power and wealth of the bankers and their hangers on .
3 Although the existence of monopoly power may provoke a government investigation , each investigation is a cost-benefit analysis attempting to identify the costs and benefits on a case by case basis .
4 Occasionally the challenge is too daunting , and teams of writers combine forces rather than one author attempting to rival the knowledge and skills of a Leonardo .
5 In carrying out this duty , local authorities found themselves attempting to assess the numbers and needs of the disabled on a scale never before attempted .
6 Anyone attempting to flout the restrictions and climb conventionally is at serious risk of injury from BAA members abseiling down the cliff face .
7 Researchers from NASA and the Brazilian space agency , INPE , are attempting to measure the density and drift of the clouds .
8 Between 1928 and 1939 Nizan was to experience the bitter reality of communist party membership , the ever-present difficulty of reconciling intellectually coherent and genuinely held beliefs with the tactical manoeuvring and politically expedient policies of a party attempting to survive the twists and turns of history in a highly unpredictable socio-political climate .
9 The debate began with the Marxist commentator , Stuart Hall , attempting to explain the emergence and success of Thatcherism .
10 Furthermore , an instruction set could provide an arbitrary collection of operations which seem likely to be convenient , or we can attempt to group the operations and provide some structure in the set of instructions provided ; the instruction set of the Pegasus ( Elliott , Owen , Devonald , and Maudsley 1956 ) is a good example of the latter .
11 Since the course was set up , we have attempted to combine the service and academic elements introduced above .
12 They 'd attempt to trace the owner and inform him , and that was it .
13 With BM YOU do n't attempt to question the employee and dig into his feelings and motivations .
14 An IR system based on ASKs would not depend on a user 's query formulation but would attempt to describe the ASK and thus " construct " an image of user needs .
15 Unlike some of those friends , however , he did not attempt to force the pace and in this case at least his native caution was justified .
16 The two chambers would then attempt to reconcile the differences and agree upon a single bill .
17 For years the government had attempted to dissolve the people and elect another .
18 Unions such as the engineering workers and the electricians , which have been most successful over the past decade ( and which , incidentally , embraced democratic reforms years ago ) , have attempted to improve the terms and conditions of their members by other means .
19 I shall attempt to display the complex and divergent possibilities in Nizan 's life , but shall stress throughout the importance of the stabilising effect , both politically and emotionally , afforded by the French communist party .
20 I have attempted to take the possibilities and practice of engineering to absurd lengths .
21 We attempt to treat the wives and ex-wives of service men living illegally in some of our properties as sympathetically as we can and that is why the 1,600 to whom the hon. Gentleman referred live in service accommodation .
22 They attempt to justify the claim and the assumptions that underlie it , by ‘ advancing some conjectures and some evidence regarding the ways in which language and thought change under the impact of the specialised forms of written text ’ ( ibid . ) .
23 But suppose we now attempt to extend the hierarchy and add a fourth element D under B. It immediately becomes clear that the apparent branching hierarchical structure is illusory , since not only B , but also C , stand in the relation ’ — larger than — ’ to D :
24 During the cognitive phase , students attempt to intellectualise the skill and form a verbal plan which guides execution .
25 In general , DCSLs attempt to complete the proposal and book selection phases in Minor schools as quickly and effectively as possible , in the knowledge that similar processes in their Major schools are likely to be more lengthy , complex and demanding of staff time and resources .
26 In two recent books which attempt to examine the philosophy and practice of a radical adult education , the only substantial references to education for trade unionists are historical ; yet both books were conceived at a time of unparalleled expansion in trade union education , underpinned by a sizeable government grant and the first statutory entitlements to paid educational leave for working-class people that Britain has ever experienced .
27 I was normally the first RAF person to view the scene , and I find it quite unbearable to attempt to describe the desolation and carnage that confronted one on a hilltop in the isolation and splendour of the Scottish Highlands .
28 It is key to the coordination role that redrafting is kept under control ; it is all too tempting for the various parties to attempt to improve the wording and suggest further amendment without adding material value .
29 Nazism appealed to the romanticism of the German people and attempted to re-create the rituals and folklore of its pagan past .
30 Sultan Mahmud I ( 1730–54 ) attempted to disband the janissaries and to put in their place a modern force , modelled on the standing armies of his European enemies .
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