Example sentences of "associate with [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The Company offers a wide range of benefits associated with a modern and progressive employer including :
2 He knew that his brother-in-law had never been associated with a controversial or political activity at any time and that , if the files were genuine , his one would contain exactly nothing .
3 Somewhat surprisingly , treatment with loperamide oxide was associated with a small but significant decrease ( p<0.05 ) in vitamin B12 absorption .
4 The earthquakes here , which are associated with a long and complex mountain belt , are generally shallow and generated primarily by compressive stresses .
5 A paternalistic concern for the well-being of the nation has been a feature of most if not all monarchs and has been associated with a particular and often predominant tradition within the Conservative party .
6 Elsewhere they were associated with a spontaneous and far-reaching social revolution in which the moving spirits were the CNT , the left wing of the UGT and , in Catalonia , the POUM — a small but vigorous anti-Stalinist communist party .
7 Because the discussion of these criteria is associated with a fresh and more promising period in the history of memory research , and also symbolizes the point in my own research trajectory at which I switched from working on imprinting to an even simpler form of learning in the young chick , they can appropriately form the starting-point for the next chapter .
8 Smoking is associated with a significant and dose dependent decrease in the concentration of antigen presenting Langerhans ' cells in the normal cervical epithelium .
9 The oral papillae appear to be arranged in two series : a superficial series edging the side of the jaw and a series within the mouth slit which might be oral tentacle scales associated with the first and second oral tentacle pores .
10 That 's the challenge from the Electrical and Electronics Industries Benevolent Association , The EEIBA is the only UK charity dedicated solely to serving the needs of people associated with the electrical and electronic industries .
11 The practice of bondage , interestingly , is most associated with the early and joyless loss of virginity .
12 ‘ I emphasise that this incident occurred in redundant plant and is not associated with the normal or planned operations on the Sellafield site . ’
13 These are associated with the 8th and 9th segments in the female and with the 9th segment in the male .
14 For one corporeal hereditament to fall within the curtilage of another the former must be so intimately associated with the latter as to lead to the conclusion that the former in truth forms part and parcel of the latter ( Methuen-Campbell v Walters ) .
15 To overcome some of the problems associated with the structural and subcultural-orientated theories based on the functionalist perspective , Interactionism has adopted a different theoretical perspective for examining crime and rule-breaking .
16 Other matrix components are associated with the binding and presentation of cytokines .
17 Equation 8.21 then represents the entropy associated with the disordered or amorphous polymer on the lattice in the absence of solvent .
18 Enveloped within Trangmar 's four projector set-up , circling images , with apparently random global references , evoke a set of concerns associated with the transnational and transcontinental .
19 The two schools became closely associated with the Whig and Tory Parties , in much the same way that the Labour and Conservative Parties champion non-nuclear and nuclear policies today .
20 The Plan does not seek to reiterate the considerable road safety input to the bulk of the day-to-day work associated with the statutory and other responsibilities of the Council and Chief Constable .
21 The phenomenon of certain mundane objects becoming so firmly associated with an individual that they are understood as literal extensions of that individual 's being was discussed in some detail by Levy-Bruhl ( 1966 : 100–27 ) .
22 Even the Revolutionary Policy Committee , the section of the ILP most closely identified with the Communists , was dubious of the value of associating with the small and discredited Communist Party .
23 Whereas the good introduction impresses , the poor one depresses , conditioning the reader to anticipate inaccuracy , poor understanding , irrelevancy , muddled thinking-all the qualities , in fact , which the experienced examiner has come to associate with the weak or poor response . "
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