Example sentences of "reference [modal v] [be] made [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Reference may be made to the National Code of Local Government Conduct , para. 3 ( Appendix D , post , p. 105 ) although it has to be said that that paragraph is not , in the author 's view , well drafted since it fails to indicate with sufficient clarity the difference between disclosing personal pecuniary interests ( failure to comply being a serious criminal offence ) and disclosing other interests ( which is simply a matter of prudence , but involves no breach of law ) .
2 Reference may be made to one other feature of the draft .
3 Reference may be made to the following and to the papers cited under sections dealing with the skeletomuscular systems in the main regions of the body .
4 At a hearing before an enlarged Appellate Committee of the House of Lords , seven Lords of Appeal in Ordinary held in Pepper ( Inspector of Taxes ) v. Hart , Lord Mackay of Clashfern LC dissenting , that , in limited circumstances , reference may be made to parliamentary material as an aid to statutory construction .
5 Finally , have with you all the papers to which reference may be made at the meeting .
6 Where NEWSFLASHes name a member of the department as a contact , the person should familiarise himself with the subject matter and have readily available those to whom reference may be made in order to progress the matter .
7 ‘ Did you then suggest to the management team that , although the administrative assistants were arguing for party with the statistical clerks , reference should be made to similar groups in the private sector ? ’
8 The data are too few to come to any definite conclusions , but what is available will be referred to briefly here , and reference should be made to the appendix for the background detail .
9 With particular reference to agricultural odours advances have been made in odour abatement since the publication of the Working Party Report and for the best current practice on odour control reference should be made to reports by the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service of the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
10 Reference should be made to ss 89–96 , CA1985 for the full details .
11 A detailed treatment of this topic can not be attempted here and reference should be made to the reviews and selected papers cited on p .
12 Brief details of the appropriate methods are given below , although for working details reference should be made to the collected methods or to the original papers .
13 Currently a solicitor does not have a right of audience ; only members of the Bar may appear before the court , although , again , reference should be made to the provisions of the Court and Legal Services Act 1990 .
14 ( 3 ) That ( per Lord Mackay of Clashfern L.C. and Lord Griffiths ) on the true construction of section 63 of the Finance Act 1976 the taxpayers were assessable on the extra cost of providing the benefit , and from the point of view of expense incurred it could not be said that its provision involved significant extra cost to the school ; that ( Lord Mackay of Clashfern L.C. dissenting ) reference should be made to Hansard to resolve the ambiguity in section 63 , and that the Parliamentary history disclosed that the Act of 1976 was passed on the basis that the effect of sections 61 and 63 thereof was to assess in-house benefits , and particularly concerning education for teachers ' children , on the marginal costs to the employer and not on a proportion of the total costs incurred in providing the service both for the public and the employee ; and that section 63 should be construed accordingly ( post , pp. 1036C–E , F–G , 1039B , C , G , 1040B , 1042C–D , 1063A , H — 1064A , C , 1067A ) .
15 Reference should be made to the source and application of funds statement in the opinion paragraph .
16 Reference should be made to the source and application of funds statement in the opinion paragraph .
17 Whatever is good in the writings of others should be copied , and constant reference should be made to such books as an English grammar , Roget 's Thesaurus and a good dictionary .
18 When designing projects reference should be made to the Open University Project Guide ( Chalmers & Parker , 1985 ) which includes instructions concerning relevant statistical tests .
19 Reference should be made to some of the following topics : — structural semantics , lexis , semantics and grammar , componential analysis , generative semantics , universal semantics .
20 For notes on this Act and these rules , reference should be made to the 8th edition of this book .
21 The conceptual basis for judicial review over the conditions of jurisdiction has already been examined , and reference should be made to that discussion when reading what follows .
22 Before leaving the discussion of whether DCF is relevant , a brief reference should be made to the possible use of option-pricing theory as a basis for valuing corporate strategies ( see Logue , 1981 ) .
23 We also think reference should be made to the need to minimise the demand for new distribution warehouses .
24 In cases of difficulty in deciding , reference should be made to the appropriate expert or Head Office .
25 Reference should be made to the A.O.A. Agreement relating to AR/Home/Travel policies .
26 There is a firm of loss adjusters available for enquiries in India and Pakistan and reference should be made to HO Claims if they are required .
27 Certain contents are excluded and reference should be made to the appropriate policy .
28 The cover under Part B of 2* and 3* policies is restricted and reference should be made to the ‘ Household Contents Away From The Home ’ ( Section 4.15 ) , which gives details of the actual cover applicable .
29 Some printed solutions contain supplementary matter not dealt with in the lesson notes or course of reading , and reference should be made to this on the student 's attempt at the question .
30 ( In such cases reference should be made to your local MAS regional representative and/or CFSU ) .
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