Example sentences of "less [conj] [adj] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was no more and no less than such a creature deserved .
2 G. W. Hastings , who was present , went much further in his hostility to male printers and thought it would be a positive " advantage if wages were lowered in the printing trade " , referring to the London union ( the London Society of Compositors ) as " one of the most powerful and most structured trade unions in London " , which , unjustifiably in his view , " prevented any printer employing any compositor at less than 33s a week " .
3 See the tailors , shoemakers , bookbinders , gold beaters , printers , bricklayers , coatmakers , hatters , curriers , masons , whitesmiths , none of these trades receive less than 30s a week , and from that to five guineas this is all done by combination , without it their trades would be as bad as yours .
4 A colobus weighs less than half a chimpanzee , so they can venture out on to branches that would break under a chimpanzee 's weight .
5 Very late though it is , there is a formica-clad coffee or hamburger bar still open less than half a mile away and I have enough cash in hand to buy my first food of the day and my first hot drink .
6 Directly to his left the flint walls of Martyr 's Cottage glistened like marbles in the afternoon sun and less than half a mile to the north , set back among the Californian pines which fringed that part of the coast , was the dull square cottage rented by Hilary Robarts , a neatly proportional suburban villa incongruously set down on this bleak headland and facing inland as if resolutely ignoring the sea .
7 But less than half a mile from his home in Witney , Oxfordshire , 42-year-old Mr Adams was knocked off his bike and run over by a van .
8 I followed the cliff path which led steeply up out of Otters ' Bay and then westward over the headland for something less than half a mile , to bring me in sight of the bay I had seen yesterday .
9 After less than half a mile you arrive at the Whealt .
10 If you leave this at the exit of ‘ San Donato ’ and turn right towards Tavernelle , after less than half a mile — along a turning on the right — you will come to the 16th century Villa Fillinelle .
11 Carson 's place was only a couple of miles away , in a vastly overpriced and overcrowded strip along less than half a mile of the river east from Kew Bridge .
12 Less than half a mile from last year 's troublespot there 's a nature lesson for the Blackbird Leys adventure playground group .
13 Sealdah is less than half a mile from the Bowbazaar district , where a cache of explosives blew up on Wednesday , killing at least 66 people .
14 The plants are often preserved as dark markings on shales , and were less than half a metre in length .
15 Energy flashed past Ardamal in a long arc of fire , blistering the side of the shaft , missing his face by less than half a metre .
16 A share for everybody would mean less than half a mouthful and if " everybody " meant natives as well , the amount you received would hardly be worth opening your jaws for .
17 Usually this is not the case so the average wait will be less than half a revolution .
18 In some cases there are definite indications of periodicity ; thus Beta Pegasi , in the Flying Horse , has a period of about 36 days , though the range is less than half a magnitude .
19 The clock has been timed to a consistent gain of less than half a minute per week during several months of sustained testing .
20 The result is that the aircraft is about 30° off the inbound holding track , with less than half a minute to run to the holding point .
21 Over the radio we hear him snorting around , and we get too much scratching from when his jacket material rubs against the mike , but in less than half a minute he emerges onto the main road .
22 He knew that time was ticking away remorselessly , though less than half a minute had passed .
23 Less than half a century ago the Midland stood at the pinnacle of the financial system , the largest bank in the world .
24 The Greek civil war of 1946–49 — less than half a century ago in fact , but merely yesterday in the politics of south-east Europe — was the last great European left-versus-right convulsion ; by comparison , the Hungarian rebellion of 1956 was no more than a bloody skirmish .
25 We have seen in this chapter how , in less than half a century , man 's view of the universe , formed over millennia , has been transformed .
26 This will be by helicopter and Hercules aircraft , taking less than half a day for the majority of the fighting troops .
27 Abundance often lies less than half a day 's jet flight from starvation .
28 It does , however , illustrate the wild contrasts of California , where large cities , near-deserted beaches , scorching deserts and cool redwood forests all lie within less than half a day 's drive of each other .
29 Less than half a day old , and they are already ‘ The Deptford Riots ’ .
30 The offering for staff at Evertidy Furniture in Wolverhampton , West Midlands , worked out at less than half a pub measure each .
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