Example sentences of "enable [pron] [to-vb] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 All the players were guests of the Hotel , and practise courts were made available to enable them to have the best possible preparation for the finals .
2 Preparation will also enable you to get the best possible ‘ value ’ out of the expertise of the professional you are consulting who will have access to all the relevant facts and will be quite clear about what you are hoping to find out .
3 His co-pilot radioed the command centre , requesting a fix in order to enable him to plot the best route back to Britain , or at least to the channel where he could be picked up by the coastguard or a spotter plane .
4 It enabled him to ask the bluntest of questions in the politest of tones and to disguise his opinion behind the blandest of smiles .
5 Eleven years as the principal tour operators in Nidri enable us to choose the best accommodation in town .
6 This enables me to buy the latest fashion accessories and clothes without relying on my parents .
7 Our many years of experience , together with established offices in all the major offshore financial , and yachting , centres enables us to give the best possible services to our clients of all nationalities .
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