Example sentences of "no [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 they are no longer bound by college curricula , timetables or , even , college teaching .
2 Another argument for legalisation of cannabis and other drugs is that criminals will no longer benefit from trafficking and individual sufferers will no longer need to commit crimes in order to obtain the money for their supply .
3 Briar Cottage no longer seemed like home ; like the cottage where eleven years earlier she had been born .
4 It was clear after the war that Japan could no longer rely on textile exports for most of its foreign exchange earnings ( chapter 2 ) .
5 DAVID WALSH argues that Ireland can no longer rely on fire and fury to paper over the cracks in a country where there are fifteen gaelic footballers for every rugby player .
6 Workers could no longer rely on wage increases that would simply increase the industry 's losses and the government subsidy required .
7 The builder could no longer rely on eye alone ; the Renaissance was a time for an order based on detailed knowledge .
8 chipped out , aye and of course we had a machine doing all that work , it was no longer done by hand it was done by machine
9 In addition some criticism has been made of the new hang as focal paintings viewed down the gallery vistas — for example Raphael 's ‘ Sistine Madonna ’ — are no longer seen in isolation , but comments in the German press and from museum curators have on the whole been overwhelmingly enthusiastic .
10 Eight institutions replied that they were no longer engaged in teacher education , others that there was no time , or no member of staff available to complete the questionnaire .
11 There is no doubt , however , that since the 1960s the majority of the labour force in the UK is no longer engaged in agricuIture or manufacturing .
12 In his resignation letter , Sir Geoffrey noted the growing difference which had emerged between himself and the Prime Minister on the increasingly important issue of Britain 's role in Europe , and especially on monetary policy , and stated that he now felt that he could no longer serve with honour as a member of her government .
13 And the worst of it , in his view , is that no one has the courage to condemn what is happening , since ‘ cultural consensus can no longer distinguish between intolerance and discernment , opening the gates to an era of ‘ freedom without choice ’ ’ .
14 Moderator in the course of my lifetime I believe one of the big changes within a family has been the fact that grace is no longer said at meal times .
15 Malawi is no longer ruled by fear
16 But , whatever the Consultative Group decides in Paris , it is clear that Malawi is no longer ruled by fear .
17 No longer flailing with hideously encrusted , burnt and sinewed arms ; no longer bellowing in fury with the steel trap jaws of some gigantic insect or machine .
18 The answer to his first point is that it is absolutely clear that a number of people who break their bail conditions are remanded in custody when they are brought back to the court ; but that happens in only about six out of 10 cases , and in four out of 10 cases when those who break their bail conditions are brought back to the court , it seems that they are no longer remanded in custody but are again let out on bail .
19 Your destiny no longer depends on minister , viceroys or governors ; they are in your own hands . ’
20 In August 1915 the receiver , Mr Coombes , decided he could no longer continue in charge of the club and offered to sell it to the Leeds Northern [ Rugby ] Union Club at Headingley , who were interested .
21 No longer limited to solo celebration and practical experiment , they have the ‘ networked knowledge ’ of a multitude of colleagues in chemistry , physics , mathematics and engineering , who provide a dazzling range of computer aids .
22 Whatever the mechanism , the result is that : ( a ) the K + accumulated by H + , K + , ATPase can be recycled into the lumen , so that H + /K + exchange is no longer limited by availability of K + ; and ( b ) secretion of Cl - ions can accompany secretion of H + , thereby preserving electroneutrality .
23 They no longer lived in awe of their Big Brothers in the unions .
24 Though he appeared no longer bent on seduction , nor even aware of her seeming absence , Isabel knew she was no match for his strength .
25 Two years later she is still very healthy on a milk-free diet , and no longer suffers from depression .
26 Now they 're no longer swung from side to side .
27 They , too , decided that they could no longer remain in fairness to their young children .
28 Consequently , I began to develop different sorts of friendships , no longer based on silliness or naughtiness , but on joint and genuine attempts at co-operation and to understand not only the syllabus but ourselves and life in general .
29 At about this time tights were no longer worn on stage : ‘ wet white ’ was used for the Girls ' legs .
30 The telephone is very often the only link these loyal citizens have with the outside world they can no longer walk in safety to the local telephone box to make their calls , and even if they could , when they get there it is out of order .
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