Example sentences of "smile at [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Offering the blond English boy — the one I was throwing water at now — half my lunch , and sitting there full of gratitude because he smiled , because he liked the taste of the piece of chicken dipped in cumin and saffron and he had smiled at me for the first time .
2 Lambs rubbed against the fence adjacent to Pete and cows seemed to smile at him across the farmyard .
3 ‘ Steady on there , ’ her companion said and as she looked round to smile at him in the fragmented night-sun that was the wheel she saw Gabriel working at the barbecue .
4 They 're all being so ridiculously polite that you begin to consider the option of using ‘ fuck off ’ as your opening line to these people who nod and bow and smile at you despite the fact that they are merely passing by .
5 At last she felt clear and a kind woman smiled at her among the machines and said , ‘ Nearly ready now . ’
6 He smiled at her like a cat smiling at a mouse .
7 A dark and lovely young woman smiled at her from the doorstep .
8 Aunt Emily smiled at her in a puzzled manner and picked up a letter which lay on the quilt .
9 She smiled at me as the lift doors opened , then mouthed a silent farewell and fluttered her fingers at me till the lift doors closed .
10 Margaret smiled at me over the table as if she had read my mind and was too happy to be anything but amused by the fact .
11 Then she smiled at me in a brusque , dismissive manner and directed me to the railway station .
12 Eva smiled at me from the driver 's seat .
13 She smiled at him as the general hurriedly got dressed .
14 She smiled at him over the table napkin , which was removing a minute trace of profiterole .
15 She smiled at him in a distantly friendly way .
16 He rose to his feet , genuinely pleased to see the pretty girl who smiled at him from the doorway .
17 She smiled at him from the opposite stool .
18 He turned towards the two men , smiled at them for the first time .
19 He 's a very contented baby , a joy to his parents and big sister , and today at nine weeks old ( 40+3 ) , he smiled at us for the first time .
20 The boy was standing there , smiling at him for the second time that day .
21 His grandmother was clutching his arm , smiling at him with an almost girlish pleasure .
22 She finished her drink , smiling at him over the rim of the cup .
23 He glanced in to find Nadine Cunningham smiling at him from the driver 's seat .
24 His life would be a charade , for every time he took her in his arms he would see the face of the girl now smiling at him in a way which lit fires in his heart .
25 She had the face of a cat or a witch , but although she was smiling at him in a queerly macabre way , she looked exhausted and forlorn .
26 Matthew was smiling at her over the edge of his glass .
27 He shrugged , leaning back in his chair , smiling at her for the first time with that devastating smile which made her heart beat faster .
28 As though humouring her , he put out his arms and held her loosely round the waist , smiling at her in a sympathetic way , as one does to an invalid .
29 ‘ I think we could sit down now , ’ Charlotte said in her clear voice , smiling at them from the door , and they followed her into the dining room .
30 I glance fearfully at Enid , but she is smiling at us like an indulgent mother .
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