Example sentences of "exactly the same [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was exactly the same act under which he had been prosecuted seven years before , with the Student Advisory Centre .
2 This poor woman and her child are in exactly the same position as Philippe .
3 Dr Steel said the Scottish findings showed the same linkage and located the gene in exactly the same position as similar work carried out in England , the United States , Germany , France , Sweden , the Netherlands and Iceland .
4 This surely , whatever else it means , this , for this scripture here surely means that those people who had the opportunity of accepting Christ , of responding to him , but who have rejected him , they are in exactly the same position as Pontius Pilate .
5 A great deal of this is down to the fact that the sweet spot is in exactly the same position throughout the set .
6 What Hope had to bear was exactly the same kind of pressure as other blacks of his generation .
7 Whatever their ultimate truth or falsity , beliefs and ideologies could thus be subjected to exactly the same kind of functional analysis as other social phenomena .
8 It should be appreciated , however , that exactly the same kind of analysis as we shall develop here could be made equally revealingly of practical , everyday communism , Christianity , the apartheid philosophy of white South Africa , l the delusions of the mentally ill , or , as Ernest Gellner so tellingly shows , contemporary linguistic philosophy.2 So while our quest to understand the mysteries of witchcraft may take us deep into the inaccessible jungles of distant continents , we shall regularly encounter disconcertingly familiar images showing how dose to home we really are .
9 The Bill could lead to exactly the same kind of problem .
10 The remarkable thing is that one gets exactly the same kind of fringes if one replaces the source of light by a source of particles such as electrons with a definite speed ( this means that the corresponding waves have a definite length ) .
11 I came into the G M B and heard exactly the same kind of derogatory comments about the Transport and General Workers ' Union .
12 Figure 7 is exactly the same kind of picture as Figure 6 .
13 Having said all that , I think the interest erm of history lies in exactly the same kind of area as interest in the future , in the sense that we are dealing erm as historians with time , and , to use the old cliché , time marches on , it certainly moves , and the future , the present and the past do form some kind of continuum .
14 Those of geometer moths are coloured and patterned to look like twigs and when they hold themselves with one end in the air at exactly the same angle to a stem as other twigs springing from it , they are virtually impossible to detect .
15 I experienced exactly the same difficulty with my Panasonic printer when , like William , I upgraded to Windows 3.1 and Word 2 .
16 She had never found any friend before who liked exactly the same jokes about sexuality and the same bitchings about other writers .
17 We conclude that even though the algebraic and denotational semantics characterises exactly the same equivalence over occam , they are in some sense complementary .
18 No , well we 're , we 're in exactly the same problem with Traidcraft .
19 Exactly the same problem of irony is involved in evaluating Chrétien de Troyes Lancelot .
20 Besides being not untypical , 3½ per cent was a fair enough share of the community 's wealth for the fifty-two secular priests , who formed almost exactly the same proportion of the 1484 adult male inhabitants .
21 Exactly the same proportion of 18-34 year olds , 83 per cent , believed young people 's behaviour had deteriorated .
22 But the most interesting thing about it is that i the actual level oestrogen bears no relationship to your symptoms as er Sheila has said , you can have two women with the sa exactly the same level of oestrogen and one woman is having awful problems and the other woman is , as we have heard , having no problems at all !
23 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
24 My authority receives half as much in grant as an authority such as Manchester to provide exactly the same level of teaching service .
25 Until this time , record prices have been kept at exactly the same level in every shop in the country .
26 Should you decide to consult a professional aromatherapist ( see the list of professional bodies in the appendix ) , do not expect exactly the same treatment from every aromatherapist .
27 In steady conditions this is an entirely fair way to start ; a board starting early through the gate has exactly the same chance of reaching the first mark as the last boat through .
28 But why not , if both players receive exactly the same share of prizemoney , to which the Board have geared the fines anyway ?
29 This is consistent with the observations of the microwave background radiation , which show that it has almost exactly the same intensity in any direction .
30 From what Pavel had said earlier he was working his way around the country , from station to station , leaving exactly the same message at each .
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