Example sentences of "hit [pron] [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 I fell onto the settle , hit my elbow on the carved arm-rest , and drew in my breath to scream again .
2 ’ ’ I 'm sure I 'm going to leave the ground and float up and hit my head on the ceiling , and all the time the voices are call ‘ DO IT DO IT DO IT … ’
3 ‘ I hit my head on the kerb when I fell and when I went to hospital two days later they told me I had severe bruising of the brain , ’ said Walter after his Kempton win on Mithl Al Hawa .
4 I came down with quite a thud , and hit my head on the stair post . ’
5 He says I hit my head on the ashtray .
6 I hit my car on the kerb .
7 The stone hit her square on the flank and she yelped , but their genitals were so tightly locked together that neither dog could move .
8 Cormack reeled as the ship began to roll and hit his elbow on the ladder rail .
9 He sat up quickly and hit his head on the eave .
10 ‘ Well , it seems he dived from the terrace and no one took much notice but he hit his head on the way down .
11 Well , Ace knocked that little idea flat but unfortunately himself as well as he hit his head on the door-frame trying to seek sanctuary in the pits . ’
12 Brian was not wearing a seat belt , was thrown forward and hit his head on the windscreen .
13 Course he fell and hit his head on the washbasin .
14 Under the waterfa oh by the way he fell and hit his face on the concrete over the caravan , he 's got a bit of a grazed nose .
15 Say , for example , ‘ You remember when you fell over and hit your head on the door — well , that 's how Jimmy felt when you just hit him . ’
16 It 's thought he may have fallen and hit his head on the kerb .
17 But the muscles had no strength to sustain it , and it fell over forwards , hitting its nose on the ground .
18 With these good intentions in mind , she entered by the low door , bending to avoid hitting her head on the lintel .
19 The fall itself did n't kill her — it was hitting her head on the stanchion ; Georgina could n't have planned that . ’
20 Then she fainted , hitting her head on the metal bedstead .
21 On Friday morning the conditions are the same and he hits his tee-shot on the 17th , would you believe , into exactly the same place , and says , ‘ What club ? ’
22 They had both pushed each other — and Mr Pollard had ended up falling over , hitting his head on the pavement .
23 McNally alleged he was the victim of an unprovoked blow to the face which caused him to fall hitting his head on the floor .
24 But what substance makes him produce answers such as this to a question about extending unemployment benefits : ‘ If a frog had wings , he would n't hit his tail on the ground — too hypothetical . ’
25 wearing a crash helmet and erm a buoyancy jacket , cos if you fell in you could hit your head on the rocks .
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