Example sentences of "intend to [be] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 As well as being the first UK woman to climb the mountain she intends to be the first female ever to make the ascent without oxygen .
2 As well as being the first UK woman to climb the mountain she intends to be the first to make the ascent without oxygen .
3 I say unwittingly because originally the second nine was intended to be the first , but this was changed and thus gave the second nine its water-strewn flavour .
4 It was intended to be the first part of a lengthy tramway to Sutton and beyond .
5 It is intended to be the first in a family of products — Amstrad suggests an A4 colour version for architects , a desktop feature-phone with pen-screen , and in-car version with built in CD that would project the user 's position on a map through data collected by global positioning satellite .
6 The project will therefore seek to identify the main implications of the trend towards the Regulatory State and is intended to be the first step towards a major research programme investigating the potentials and problems of regulation in practice across the whole spectrum of what we used to describe as the Welfare State .
7 Mr Chihana made it clear , however , that he intended to be the first opposition leader to confront the government openly from inside Malawi .
8 Like our poor parliamentary candidate , I would have no chance of being elected , but it would be a beginning , though perhaps one I would have despised several years earlier when I looked down on parish-pump politics and intended to be the first woman prime minister .
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