Example sentences of "prepare [pers pn] [prep] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I had seen newspaper photos of him since his release from the psikhushka , but they had n't prepared me for his gauntness , pallor , baldness .
2 I knew that telling them would be hard but nothing prepared me for their anger and grief during our final month together .
3 He reminded them of all the things that he 'd said and done and he prepared them for their mission in the world .
4 Unlike Napoleon 's mother , Elena Petrescu left no memorable quotation or hint that peasant-wisdom had perhaps already prepared her for her world to be turned downside-up again .
5 Nothing could have prepared him for its response .
6 Ronnie is just glad it 's all over , and aware that his past acting career had prepared him for his ordeal .
7 At a distance the effect of the pyramids is aesthetic ; close up , simply astonishment , for nothing can prepare you for their scale .
8 The association of sex and musical imagery reaches a splendid climax in this tale as Alison and Nicholas enjoy " " revel " " and " " melodye " " in bed to a devout musical accompaniment as : The use of animal imagery to describe Alison prepares us for her response to Nicholas 's first assault : while the images of the trave , a frame for holding a horse to be shod , and of the final night of the tale " " derk … as the cole " " , prepare us for the brief scene at Gerveys the blacksmith 's forge ( 3760 – 85 ) .
9 It is known that St. Leonard 's Priory had some academic function , for in the fourteenth century it was partly used as a study centre for young monks , possibly preparing them for their degree courses at Oxford .
10 I would like to hear from anyone who has worked with a group of parents or carers of people with learning or difficulties in preparing them for their son 's daughter 's move from the family home into a group home .
11 ‘ Justice ’ refers to the obligation of the Prison Service to treat prisoners with humanity and fairness , and to prepare them for their return to the community in a way which makes it less likely that they will re-offend .
12 Social workers will continue to pay to prepare her for her driving test .
13 That crucial time in a child 's life when he has the ability to understand that his parents and teachers are trying to prepare him for his adult life , will not necessarily be related to his age .
14 It has been pointed out that incense was given to Jesus at his birth , and perfume poured over him to prepare him for his death .
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