Example sentences of "force [pers pn] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Knowing that such disturbances can occur , why should consumers agree to a form of contract which , in such circumstances , forces them to acquire a quantity of goods at the agreed price which they consider sub-optimal ?
2 There is nothing in the political system that forces them to consider the future .
3 The point is that the psychophysical approach forces you to develop a model of how the system , in this instance the mechanisms of colour discrimination , might work and it is this model that is used to guide the direct physiological measurements .
4 Complicite 's use of movement and body language brilliantly illuminates the text , and almost every scene has a vitality that forces you to consider the play afresh .
5 This process of filtering and condensing is both practical and intellectually useful since it forces you to reduce the bulk of words and yet preserve the essential meaning of the text .
6 Nobody forces you to consume the equivalent of halfa dozen eggs at one meal , but it is very easy to do so , so if you have eaten a mousseline of scallops , red mullet , and écrevisses floating in a lake of sabayon sauce , then do not follow it with a honey ice cream or one of those ali baba affairs nor with a peach charlotte containing five egg yolks , but rather with a tarte fine chaude aux pommes acidulées , which is nothing more outlandish or richer than an old-fashioned apple tart made on a base of puff pastry .
7 When Pistol appears , ‘ swelling like a turkey-cock ’ , perhaps like the old tragic actors who ‘ strutted and bellowed ’ , Fluellen beats his pate and forces him to eat the leek raw ( V.ii . ) .
8 Every attempt to establish what the referent of a sign is forces us to define the referent in terms of an abstract entity which moreover is only a cultural convention .
9 The popularity of theories of non-adaptive evolution forces us to reassess the impact of Darwinism .
10 Above all , experiencing our parents ' death forces us to face the fact of our own mortality .
11 It is effective against the evolution-plus-natural-selection myth , because it forces us to reconstruct the narrative of his subsequent theorizing not as so many unknowing steps towards his final positions , but as so many deliberate departures from positions initially shared with his mentor .
12 At the same time , we may have to accept that the National Curriculum finally forces us to address the question of how far the polarization of the discourse , and the adopting of classroom strategies which celebrate something called ‘ process ’ at the expense of content , may both stem in part from a posture of defensiveness in the face of the problem of the primary class teacher 's curriculum knowledge .
13 If she were to break her word , the big gendarme would go rushing off to his commandant with his ‘ fresh evidence ’ , demanding to be allowed to treat Klein 's death as murder ; he would harass and bully brother and sister , tearing open wounds that at best were only half-healed , forcing them to relive the pain and terror of the past .
14 The frustration of Redbridge 's black parents , for example , forcing them to initiate an inquiry which was published as Cause for Concern ( Redbridge Community Relations Council , 1978 ) .
15 The British government argued , first , that such a change would have the effect of forcing them to adopt a type of system for documenting civil status which would have considerable administrative consequences and would impose new duties on the population .
16 UEFA expelled European champions Marseille from this season 's competition because of a bribery scandal but Tapie obtained an order from a Berne court yesterday provisionally forcing them to reinstate the club .
17 When Edward failed to pay , they abandoned him , forcing him to seal a truce with the French at Espléchin , near Tournai , on 25 September 1340 .
18 The murder trial jury heard how Carter at the time serving a sentence for robbery had subjected Darren Brook to a ‘ barbaric ’ ordeal , which included forcing him to write a suicide note .
19 Given that President George Bush was implacably opposed to abortion under circumstances other than rape , incest and maternal risk , the bill offered the prospect of forcing him to exercise a veto which would be unpopular among much of the electorate and among a significant portion of the Republican Party .
20 But this time , Santiago 's mayors stormed off to Guatemala City , alerted the international press , and managed to corner the civilian president , Vinicio Cerezo , forcing him to sign an agreement to demilitarise the town .
21 It was alleged that AJ struck a security guard forcing him to drop a bag he was carrying and , when a police officer intervened , other men with weapons came to help AJ .
22 A lunch break would give him his chance , forcing him to make a decision whether or not to delay his own sustenance in order to overtake us as we crammed fruit cake into our faces .
23 The next day George had seen his mother forcing her to drink a cup of cold tea full of Epsom salts to help her get rid of the milk in her breasts .
24 On Friday , citing worries about foreign influence over civil aviation , Mr Skinner issued a ‘ consent order ’ on NorthWest Airlines , forcing it to reduce the involvement of KLM , the Dutch carrier , in its recent buyout .
25 The smoke billowed out , forcing us to drop the chest .
26 Now if we can get a proper public transport system , a properly funded public transport system which will make , you can force people off the roads but you can also force them to persuade the approach with a properly funded er public transport system which is A priced within the peoples pockets and B er you can lead to views that will be er , er will be a great advantage for the area and the fifth terminal at Heathrow could fall par to this structure but if this new structure is n't there and if it is n't part of this adequately funded transport system then there is no point in , in building it was as I said earlier be , be madness .
27 This nest set up on the flat lands beyond the power stations on the south east coast will provide the evidence to Bill and his bird watching colleagues It 's not only the owls that fly at night , waders will feed at any time , but the rising tide will force them to leave the mud flats day or night
28 Organisers of the biggest air rally in Europe say that military red tape could force them to stage the event elsewhere .
29 Furthermore , they will know that such disturbances will force them to produce a level of output which is not the optimal one in the sense that it is not what they would in advance choose to produce at a price of P .
30 We thought we should force them to bring the price down .
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