Example sentences of "share [art] same [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 " Philip so honoured him " , wrote Roger of Howden , " that every day they ate at the same table , shared the same dish and a- night the bed did not separate them .
2 They shared the same cigarette and frolicked in the pool .
3 They shared the same paynote and were self-selected .
4 Trams and buses henceforward shared the same Body and Paint shops , while a new Fitting shop was created in an adjacent building fronting on to the Coliseum .
5 Most importantly , the people who will have to implement the community care reforms seem to share the same vision and , despite certain reservations , the same enthusiasm .
6 ‘ We used to share the same office and we can work together in the same environment , but not when we are actually working for the same clients , ’ she says .
7 We all share the same sky and the same passion , which is to see our joint projects take to the air .
8 As for the Gascons , they are gossipy , licentious , and poorly dressed ; although they eat and drink far too much they do n't sit at table but squat around a fire ; they all share the same cup and when they go to sleep they all share the same rotting straw , master and mistress , servants and all .
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