Example sentences of "tend to have the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The hooligan , however , tends to have the longer career since part of his art lies in knowing how far to ‘ push his luck ’ .
2 In English spelling , if a grammatical word and a lexical word sound the same , the grammatical word tends to have the shorter spelling. : e.g. for , four ; by , buy ; in , inn ; to , two ; I , eye ; etc .
3 Generally speaking , wild antelopes , sheep and goats all tend to have the right-hand helix ( as defined above for the screw ) on the left side of the head and vice versa ( heteronymous ) , whereas the opposite is often true for domesticated sheep and goats ( homonymous ) .
4 The first two hurdles H0 and H1 , although separately observable , are closely linked since different advertising channels have different success rates the leaflet to school may be easy to arrange ( no falls at hurdle H0 ) but is not very effective ( all down at H1 ) , while word of mouth recommendations tend to have the reverse problems .
5 Men tend to have the technological skills that enable command of technology , women simply to operate equipment or assemble its components .
6 The first column shows that the poorest regions tend to have the highest ratios of foreign debt to social product .
7 Both have washed rinds and a firm texture and tend to have the washed rind garage-cheese smell , as described in the section on soft cheeses ( p69 ) .
8 It is unlikely that there is a transition between the minor forms and the major ones : indeed , there seem to be fundamental differences between the two ( Mabbutt , 1977 ) , including the fact that the minor forms , being due mainly to surface creep , have the coarser grains in the ridges , while the larger forms , due mostly to saltation , tend to have the finer material near the crests .
9 Boys from unskilled , working-class homes tend to have the hardest time ; at 11 years , 36 per cent were beaten with an implement by the father , the mother or both .
10 The result of this link is that the most efficient producers tend to have the shortest development lead time .
11 We tended to have the same meal on the same day of the week : roast on Sunday , cold meat on Monday , a steak-and-kidney pie or pudding on Tuesday , stew on Wednesday , salt beef on Thursday , fish on Friday and toad-in-the-hole on Saturday .
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