Example sentences of "tend [to-vb] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Criticisms of the view of auditory deprivation ( Bench , 1979 ) and of bilingualism ( Arnold , 1982 ) tend to miss the point that language acquisition occurs through interaction .
2 Tax administrators often see tax theory as a luxury to be indulged in in any odd moment they might have to look up from their files , while tax theorists tend to see the administration and practical aspects of taxation as an easily coped with minor irritant , or deviation , from their ‘ grand design ’ .
3 If we live on continents , we tend to see the world as land inconveniently dissected by expanses of water .
4 Finally , all these remarks tend to confirm the view that the infinitive is the most virtual form in the system of the verb ( cf.
5 Social historians tend to support the view that industrialisation destroyed the apprenticeship system .
6 Executives tend to monopolize the information that assemblies need to do their job .
7 Dollimore perceives that critical opinion has tried to resolve this issue by tending to read the play as either vindicating Faustus or the morality structure .
8 Such support operations would involve the Bank of England buying gilt-edged and thus tending to expand the liquidity and lending potential of the banking system .
9 I tend to favour the idea that people who have not been out of business too long could probably play a valuable role , although I accept that , if someone has been out of active business life for two or three years , his contacts and awareness of up-to-date affairs may have changed .
10 Post-Freudian forms of sexual difference theory are not only largely ignorant of that pre-sexological , pre-psychoanalytic history ; they even tend to obscure the significance and scope of Freud 's own emphasis on the significance of perversion within sexual difference .
11 Studies have indicated that the weight conscious , brainwashed by years of ‘ cut out those carbohydrates ’ advice , tend to avoid the bread and potatoes which supply a good deal of the fibre in most people 's diets .
12 It is the consonant sounds which make speech intelligible ; therefore it is not surprising that people who lose the high frequencies tend to hear the voice but not to be able to distinguish words .
13 The findings have tended to support the view that the police are held in relatively high esteem , although those polled have invariably had little or no contact with the police in any capacity .
14 Branching in the side group tends to stiffen the chain and raise T m as shown in the series poly(but-1-ene) , ; poly ( 3-methyl but-1-ene ) , ; poly ( 3,3′-dimethyl but-1-ene ) , .
15 Either way , it tends to confirm the view that collectivist reforms were doomed unless industry and commerce gave their consent .
16 As John Stubbs has written , " that backbench activism was centred in such an essentially non-landed element of the Conservative Party tends to confirm the view that the party 's centre of gravity was increasingly urbanised , commercialised and industrialised " .
17 This seems to be pitching things a good deal too high , but the current London Film Festival , which continues until Sunday , tends to confirm the impression that 1989 has been a less than vintage year for the movies .
18 The general pattern of results tends to confirm the impression that the UK is relatively poorly placed in the EC ( in these data before the accession of Spain and Portugal ) .
19 In the past , many researchers have tended to underplay the problems that arose in the process of research in case they affected the evaluation of their results , although there have been a few ex post disclosures in books intended to show social research as often a messy enterprise ( Bell and Newby 1977 ; Bell and Roberts 1984 ) .
20 If Chafe ( 1977 ) is correct , then BSL would represent a language which tends to emphasise the storage and recall of events , whereas English requires much more superficial specificity in recall .
21 All this evidence tends to support the contention that there will be relatively few new council houses available for allocation in the more remote areas where housing need and accessibility problems may be most acute .
22 The evidence from European countries of attempts to implement these kinds of arrangements tends to support the view that while they help ease labour-management tensions they slow down decision-making and reduce management flexibility .
23 Clarke , in a review of the literature on the transition to work , says that it tends to support the view that the ‘ majority of early leavers adjust fairly painlessly to working life ’ ( Clarke , 1980 , p. 10 ) .
24 Such unique detail has its dangers , however , and it may be that historians have tended to overemphasize the independence and initiative of the commons .
25 These two tendencies for electrons and ions to move away from Jupiter are opposed by the Jovian dipole field , which tends to contain the electrons and ions .
26 However , the integral approach does tend to lead to an emphasis on the similarities of business and non-business financial reporting ; this is in contrast to the differential approach which tends to accept the dissimilarities as having equal importance .
27 If agreed at lower levels , it tends to increase the peaks and troughs and certainly does not permit the preceding considerations .
28 An inverted , climbing helicopter tends to cause the brain and thumbs to go out of synch !
29 This misleading term tends to conceal the fact that dolphins are intentionally located , chased , harassed and encircled with a fishing net , from which attempts may not be made to release them .
30 While it is true that without the transport sector 's contribution , the overall rate of investment in the economy would not have exceeded 10 per cent of national income by 1815 , concentration on such macro-economic data tends to obscure the fact that the financing of improvements in transport was above all an example of regional capital formation .
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