Example sentences of "design [to-vb] the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 In America the political conventions are designed to enthuse the participants and television viewers to go out and campaign for their candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency .
2 Foucault adopts a strategy , obviously indebted to Bachelard , designed to restore the otherness that History by definition must disallow : he produces an account of epistemic shifts , with prior epistemes presented as altogether estranged from the present .
3 Is all his talk about films designed to promote the industry or David Puttnam ?
4 In January 1961 , he presented to Congress a batch of measures designed to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment ( then running at almost 7% of the workforce ) .
5 ScriptX is described as a fully-functional object-oriented scripting language and set of data specifications designed to enable the development and playback of a single multimedia title on a variety of personal computers and workstations , personal digital assistants and consumer electronics products .
6 ScriptX is described as a fully-functional object-oriented scripting language and set of data specifications designed to enable the development and playback of a single multimedia title on a variety of personal computers and workstations , personal digital assistants and consumer electronics products .
7 This study was designed to compare the efficacy and safety of oral fluticasone propionate with prednisolone over a four week period in the treatment of active colitis .
8 Unlike chlorination , which is designed to treat the water and make it safe to drink , fluoridation is meant to influence a human physiological process — the mineralisation of tooth enamel .
9 All the products in the range contain pure , Essential Oils and their cleansing and soothing properties are designed to treat the scalp as well as the hair .
10 in his lordship 's opinion it was designed to provide the thrill and enjoyment of waterskiing without the constraint of boat and towrope. as such it was not a vessel used in navigation and therefore not subject to the marine conventions act 1911 which imposed a 2 year limitation period as opposed to a 3 year limitation period .
11 Weeping and sobbing are natural and appropriate responses to grief and our body is designed to provide the capacity and to use it creatively .
12 It 's part of the school 's Chinese cookery awareness course — craft-based and designed to meet the City & Guilds ' new ethnic element .
13 Therefore , the EC has sought to develop a policy designed to secure the benefits that arise from a competitive market , since as national barriers to inter-state competition are removed there is a danger that these can be replaced by privately erected barriers .
14 The rise in spending , according to the Deputy Prime Minister for Financial and Economic Affairs , Qais Abdel-Moneim al-Zawawi , was designed to activate the economy and to encourage trade .
15 A Two-in-one cleansing and conditioning products are specially designed to clean the hair and condition the outer layers ( the cuticle scales ) .
16 An ornamental wall topped with trellis was designed to screen the shed and coal-bunkers and to add colour to a previously stark corner , here , Japanese acers , impatiens and clematis form an interesting mix .
17 Computing systems have been designed to explore the structure and influence of human beliefs , prejudices and emotions .
18 Politicians in all countries would accept the proposition that the system should be designed to serve the people but whatever the political philosophy behind the system , the people always seem to be more its servants than its masters .
19 UDCs are designed to create the conditions and confidence necessary to attract private capital .
20 Most of the index-linked stocks that have been issued have annual coupon payments of 2 or 2 ½ per cent ; this is designed to reflect the fact that the long-run real rate of return on the UK capital stock is about 2 ½ per cent .
21 The project director , Marilyn Standley , commented : ‘ The building is being designed to reflect the personality and concerns of the company and its staff , and we are delighted at having been awarded such a high environmental score . ’
22 In fact , Lee ( 1966 , 1974 ) suggests two related strategies ; one referred to as Developmental Sentence Types ( DST ) is designed to help the teacher or therapist classify pre-sentence utterances , while Developmental Sentence Scoring ( DSS ) is a method of quantifying the ‘ grammatical load ’ which is carried by complete sentences .
23 Perhaps also the time has come to abandon content free systems and move towards the development of a knowledge-based program , using grid method but specifically designed to enhance the perception and appreciation of art .
25 Some poetic complaints survive on the concealing nature of this dress , designed to cover the tunic but to be worn beneath a cloak .
26 Since they accept that some types of nuclear weapons can be used in this way , the argument is designed to legitimise the development and deployment of tactical or ‘ counterforce ’ nuclear weapons and other weaponry associated with a shift away from Mutual Assured Destruction towards Nuclear Utilisation Target Selection ( MAD versus NUTS : see Keeny and Panofsky , 1981 ) .
27 Use one of the proprietary woodworm injectors for this , as their special nozzles are designed to fit the holes and you are less likely to risk an eyeful of the fluid .
28 The new communion ceremony was designed to dispel the belief that each individual mass was a re-enactment of Christ 's sacrifice , or that the bread and wine were physically changed as a result of their consecration by a priest .
29 Empiricist theories of knowledge , for example , are presented as a legitimating ideology for individualist social theories which in turn are part of a bourgeois outlook , and are said to pose questions designed to justify the individual as knower and as agent .
30 During the one-day visit Laos informed the USA of its subsidiary crop promotion programme and the construction of a communication structure , both designed to curtail the cultivation and refining of opium-based drugs .
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