Example sentences of "determine [subord] [coord] not [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How would what test would you use to determine whether or not John Major has had a good first one hundred days ?
2 In the latter case the policewoman has to write a report on the child for the superintendent to determine whether or not prosecution should follow .
3 Apart from the problems of precisely delimiting areas that are experiencing desertification , it is equally difficult to determine whether or not rates of desertification are increasing .
4 The plaintiffs ' case was that Peats and Coopers had made mistakes of mixed fact and law , and that they were entitled to ask the court to determine whether or not Coopers had made those mistakes .
5 Gender is also a particularly important factor in determining whether or not individuals are supported or prevented in their attempts to live independently .
6 Further their Lordships have no doubt that when Lord Bridge , after quoting the guiding principle , gave certain examples he was not intending thereby to lay down an exhaustive list of tests to be applied in all cases in determining whether or not profits arose in or derived from Hong Kong .
7 Can share valuation models help us determine whether or not dividend policy affects share prices ?
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