Example sentences of "forget about the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That silly bastard has forgotten about the petrol and has tried to light a fag ! ’ exclaimed Duncan .
2 She had forgotten about the storm and the terrors the house held for her , but when Alec closed the dining room door and the cold whispering darkness enveloped them , her fear returned .
3 Mr Taylor , of Preston , who had both insurance and his mortgage with Cheshire Building Society , had forgotten about the cover until he received a letter from the society 11 months after his early retirement .
4 ‘ To be honest I 'd forgotten about the money until Jim Boyce reminded me , ’ said manager Frankie Parks after the 4–0 win .
5 He 'd forgotten about the booklet that he put forward on building regulations , the forward that he 'd put forward , so what he was asking to do was already Council policy that he initiated but forgot about .
6 We could almost have forgotten about the war but for the shell-holes in the surrounding downland , stark white chalk amid the tawny grass , the result of gunnery practice on the artillery and tank ranges at Tidworth , Bulford , and at Larkhill , where I remembered Leslie had gone to a firing camp all those months ago .
7 And then I forgot about the idea and I just drifted into something else .
8 I was so sure I was drowning that I forgot about the race and screamed out , " Father !
9 I forgot about the danger and decided not to go home .
10 The horse that forgot about the tiger that lived in its lair at the bottom of the hill , or at any time disregarded the danger , would very soon become the tiger 's dinner , and so lack the opportunity to pass on to future generations its genes for a poor memory and a low threshold of fear .
11 But a policeman saved the day and told the attendant to forget about the money and let the cars get out .
12 Back to normal and ready to forget about the Hare-woman and the Back Clough Dale cottage .
13 It is an interesting activity , so the chances are that they will quickly forget about the camcorder and behave naturally .
14 Well let's forget about that , let's forget about the two thousand odd people who 've said no , let's forget about the fact that there were these accidents in that road , because no we 've got the M forty the A forty four — well the A thirty four as it was — has been relieved of a lot of traffic and from a point of view from the Gipsy Working Party Committee they may well feel that they are even more entitled to go ahead with this site .
15 Set it and you can forget about the meal until the buzzer lets you know it 's ready and to keep all those pots and pans there 's even a large storage compartment which has been specially contoured with smooth rounded corners to make cleaning easier .
16 Because the service was so good they 'd all , you know , they 'd forget about the delivery that would be there .
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