Example sentences of "directly [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the 1960s the Central Electricity Generating Board ( CEGB ) replaced urban power stations with short chimneys , which directly polluted the surrounding area , with a new generation of massive power stations with very tall chimneys .
2 Transport of anions out of the cell on the uptake carrier was demonstrated directly using an anion-sensitive electrode just outside the cell .
3 Such cross-terms can not occur in a system that directly represents a chemical reaction , and the variables represent concentrations : the concentration of one chemical species can not be directly decreased by a process in which that chemical does not take part [ 36 ] .
4 Importantly , I demonstrate that this procedure , can also directly identify the non-specific nature of some DNA-protein complexes which , due to unanticipated effects , may behave anomalously in binding competition analyses .
5 At the start only 14 per cent of our panel reported Labour stressing these issues , but the figure rose to 20 per cent in the fourth week and 32 per cent in the fifth as Labour sought to divert attention away from defence and to move on from unemployment , which directly affected only a small minority , to education and especially the National Health Service , which directly affected the vast majority of the electorate .
6 Basically a simple intercom system which directly replaces an existing door bell system , the inside and outside units can be installed from 3 to 50m apart , using two core-bell wire to connect them .
7 The insects ( mainly Lepidoptera ) and birds that do so can not directly sense the superior environment of the north ( in the spring ) , but its superiority , on average , is guaranteed by the predictable changes of the seasons .
8 The involuntary nature of Keynesian unemployment arises , as we saw earlier , from the inability of either workers or employers directly to exert the downward pressure on the real wage rate that was required by the marginal productivity theory of the demand for labour .
9 Although this is welcome , taken together with demographic changes and the likelihood of Lothian Health Board wanting to directly purchase a fair amount of nursing home beds , it underlines the need to maintain a stable market .
10 Once again the phenomenon that makes this sort of unemployment involuntary is the inability of workers and employers directly to lower the real-wage rate to w * ; .
11 Today it seems like a miracle , if a somewhat blighted one , that his house , with but one to go before it , still stands directly facing the huge swathe which marks the Boulevard of Socialism .
12 Berlin may be enticing for tourists but this does not directly engender a new art world .
13 Such a mechanism may directly control the actual transcription process , ( initiation of transcription in the drosophila , as suggested by Berthier et al ( 18 ) , may occurred by a mechanism different from that described in mammals ( 25 ) ) , or ensure post-transcriptional regulation of the concentration of the various transcripts ( turnover ) ( 26 ) .
14 Here spirits are credited with acting like pathogenic microbes which directly assail the human body and threaten its health by sapping its vitality and energy .
15 Using a dynamic visual display of the entire working area of the machine tools including the workpieces , the fixtures , the cutting tool and its position , the skilled craftsmen can directly in-put the desired tool motions to machine the workpiece in the display .
16 The industrialist MP Samuel Morley and others persuaded him to stand down on the grounds that ministers should not directly enter the political arena and Morley paid all his expenses when he gave up the contest .
17 We can not directly infer a causal effect from a statistical effect .
18 Imagine that we could directly observe a particular person 's or group 's expectation formed last period of the current period 's value of an economic variable .
19 Doctors suspect that tartrazine produces symptoms in these people by directly affecting the immune response in some way — perhaps by stopping the synthesis of immune regulators called prostaglandins ( see p 28 ) , or by triggering mast cells directly .
20 Pecuniary externalities arise when the actions of some firm i directly affect the competitive position or profits of one of its rivals , j .
21 In other words , instead of preserving a level of insider employment L 1 at a lower real wage rate w 2 , the level of employment among insiders falls to L 2 owing to the inability of insiders directly to influence the real wage rate .
22 Duncan Sandys ' initiative in creating this body ( not without some alarm expressed by his senior officials in the Ministry of Housing and Local Government ) was soon to pay dividends , because it directly fostered the subsequent founding of a large number of local societies ( 1,200 , ultimately by the mid-1980s ) .
23 Rather they represent the rational choices of high-ranking employees , acting in the corporation 's interests , to intend directly to violate the criminal law or governmental regulations , or to be indifferent to the outcome of their action or inaction , even though it might result in human lives obliterated , bodies mangled , or life-savings lost .
24 The direct mechanism is where an increase in money supply leads people directly to spend the resulting excess of money supply over money demand .
25 If it requires public money to sustain it , it then directly becomes a public project because the private sector have failed to achieve it . ’
26 The church had a narthex set at an oblique angle to one of the outer octagon sides ; it is believed that this was not the original narthex , which would have directly faced the eastern apse ( 195 ) .
27 The Crossroad architecture enables developers to configure connections between existing applications and directly supports the dynamic reconfiguration of connections and flow of data in the network , according to chief executive officer , Alek Mesarovich .
28 Not only is the infra-red energy directly absorbed by the ewes and their lambs , but it also directly heats the concrete floor .
29 The baby 's feeding habits , which directly concern a nursing mother , and its waking and crying habits , which directly concern both parents , tend to be distributed evenly throughout the 24 hours ( see the sleep profile of a newborn child in Fig. 2.4 ) .
30 Implied terms can thus supplement express rules , or introduce new rules , but can not directly contradict an existing rule .
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