Example sentences of "directly [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hitchcock enables users to generate QuickTime movies , print directly to videotape from hard disk , export a professional edit decision list for compatibility with high-end post-production suites , or integrate with Video F/X for tape and disk-based editing .
2 Since 1946 the Arts Council had been a buffer between politicians and artists , protecting artists from interference , and politicians from being directly blamed for scandalous art .
3 In most other member states of the Council of Europe , the provisions of the Convention are directly incorporated into national law .
4 Not directly related to current post but may improve performance .
5 It has become evident since the second oil shock that the major incentive to energy efficiency is a pricing policy where price is directly related to real cost and value , in other words passing on the rising cost of oil and its products to the end consumer .
6 Many of these changes have been directly related to progressive taxation , transfer payments and high levels of employment .
7 Preferably targets should be set for individuals where the bonus earned is directly related to personal effort .
8 Thus the French foreign ministry , which had in 1814 some seventy employees with functions directly related to foreign policy ( i.e. excluding messengers , doorkeepers , etc. ) had still only ninety in 1870 ; but by 1914 this figure had grown to 170 .
9 ‘ Among the already endangered species directly threatened by global warming are the giant panda , blue sheep and the Yangtze dolphin . ’
10 As trading becomes less and less directly connected with physical trading floors , or even a particular trading system , the rulebook becomes more and more the key determinant of the exchange 's identity and objectives .
11 In Poland , Hungary and the Soviet Union , the dramatic political developments were directly precipitated by economic crisis .
12 In such systems , labour rewarded by money wages ( if money wages are a possibility ) rates lower than labour directly rewarded by reciprocal labour in kind or by the payment , often after considerable delay , of non-monetary gifts , or by hospitality and the gift of food .
13 Similarly , Ford 's post-1980 experience stands in marked contrast to the ‘ rich complacency ’ of the 1970s : the company 's entire product spectrum was directly challenged by Continental European and Japanese competition .
14 By the outbreak of the revolution in December 1989 , only about seventy villages had been directly affected by rural systematization .
15 ‘ Ironically , the tobacco epidemic of the developing world is directly linked to growing health concerns and declining smoking rates in the United States and other developed countries .
16 The preface makes it clear that interest in the past in Saudi Arabia — as in all countries — is directly linked with present prosperity .
17 Others may be in positions of trust not directly derived from full-time occupation , such as scout masters — SCOUT LEADER 'S CAMPING SHAME ( Star ) — as well as those in less formal and less-easily recognisable roles ; the headline Sex shame of ‘ uncle' ( Daily Mirror ) and text ( ‘ a mild-mannered clerk known by schoolboy train fans as Uncle Roland … took boys in the Rail Riders ’ Club on trips in Britain and Europe ’ ) shows how some offenders had eased into positions of trust with youngsters .
18 Of these , only cost structure directly relates to financial control ; the remaining factors cover non-financial and external issues .
19 Communication as a human right therefore directly relates to human dignity .
20 A stronger argument which Cawson also develops is that major interests are not directly represented at local level , because whether sectoral ( for instance , professional or industrial organizations ) or production ( such as employers and trade unions ) their main levels of organization for the purposes of representation are national or regional .
21 Consumers are rarely if ever directly represented in Joint planning and as a right .
22 From our unpublished data we conclude that TBP does not directly bind to internal pol III promoters ( or to cryptic TATA-sequences in the plasmid-vector ) .
23 This implied that eosinophils in normal gut mucosa generally do not express class II molecules , which was directly confirmed by paired staining for eosinophil cationic protein ( EG2 ) and HLA-DR ( median number of EG2 + cells examined : 101 , range 64–280 , n=4 ) in which only four double positive cells were found .
24 Even in the early seventeenth century commercial transactions had advanced far beyond the simple barter level , and with an increasing proportion of the population not directly engaged in agricultural production , non-producers had to be supplied with the cash to purchase the necessities of life , as well as its luxuries .
25 Even those directly engaged in industrial production are more likely to be immediately associated with a complex work process than with an identifiable product .
26 One aspect of disorganized capitalism is pressure against general welfare expenditures for those not directly engaged in productive work .
27 Thus a company directly created by special Act of Parliament will be restricted to acts necessary or reasonably incident to the objects specified in the Act .
28 Between them these parties also took all seven seats in the Bosnia-Hercegovina state Presidency , which was directly elected in separate voting on Nov. 18 .
29 Legislative powers reside with the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) comprising the upper house ( Ständerat ) of representatives from the cantons and the lower house ( Nationalrat or National Council ) directly elected by proportional representation .
30 Under the 1980 Constitution an executive President is elected every five years with the 65-member unicameral National Assembly ( of which 53 members are directly elected by proportional representation and 12 are regional representatives ) .
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