Example sentences of "slightly [adj -er] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By the year 2000 gas will be supplying a slightly lower proportion of energy demand than in 1983 but consumption will rise slightly .
2 However , Cézanne very often goes further and tilts up the top of an object even more towards the picture plane , so that it appears sometimes as if seen almost from directly above , while continuing to show the rest of the object from a more normal , slightly lower point of view .
3 They pay a slightly lower rate of interest on money at call than they earn by discounting bills .
4 Also slenderer and has narrower and slightly shorter tail with underside paler and breast of both sexes sometimes almost unspotted .
5 For the back legs , roll two longer , slightly fatter sausages of icing and flatten the ends for feet .
6 forms on slightly bigger pieces of paper I think .
7 Beyond , a slightly steeper slope of pasture rose to a low skyline with a toupeé of trees .
8 Again we 're back to the the the same arguments on the capital receipt and I do n't intend to begin re-rehearsing those but quite frankly , I mean I would n't claim by any to have a vast or a a slightly deeper knowledge of housing finance but obviously since you 've been on the council the same length of time as I have , I mean you 've got even less .
9 Even so , I do n't know how he survived that fall ; God knows what he broke , how he suffered , how long he took to crawl there to the other slightly brighter patch of light ; how long he took to die .
10 He was also seen on the same Monday slightly later standing at Crown Point , Martlesham .
11 We speculate that individuals in category C have the same genotypic characteristics as those in categories A and B but are identified at a slightly later stage in disease progression .
12 The previous 1991 order was discussed at a slightly later time of night , but on the same day of the week nine months ago , since when there has been no significant change in the construction industry 's circumstances .
13 Practically on arrival I was caught up with what was a slightly better standard of rugger and tennis , No 4 Flying Training School ( FTS ) .
14 Moores , Weiss and Goodwin ( 1973 ) had slightly better findings with increase in comprehension of up to 61 per cent .
15 Daphne flitted from party to party while I walked at a slightly faster pace from lecture hall to lecture hall , our two paths rarely crossing .
16 Three miles to the west , near the village of Austerlitz , ninety thousand Russian and Hapsburg troops faced a slightly smaller number of French in preparation for the decisive battle of the campaign .
17 Smith Kline Beecham spokesman Alan Chandler said : ‘ Once we found we had a slightly higher incidence of mumps-meningitis we notified the authorities .
18 Now , if , if a child sends a distress call to a certain level of intensity , it may get a certain amount back , but it may have a sibling who sends the distress call a slightly higher level of intensity and might get some more back .
19 Reviewing McBride , Eliot quoted from that writer 's conclusion that , given proper education of mind and body , ‘ the next generation may start at a very slightly higher level of capacity than their fathers ’ .
20 Three species of owl produce slightly higher levels of breakage of the teeth of their prey , mainly of isolated teeth rather than those preserved in the jaws , and these will be seen below to be the same species that produce the greatest degrees of digestion , namely the European eagle owl , tawny owl and little owl .
21 There was no moon , and in the pale starlight the river showed between the banks as a slightly thinner shade of black .
22 There were some indications that users of freelancers might make slightly greater use of agency workers , but equally that high users of part-timers tended to be lower users of agency workers .
23 Comparisons between action and control carers would suggest that there is a slightly greater move towards home care preferences and diminished strain among the action sample carers at follow-up interview but there is no overwhelming evidence in this direction .
24 The cross is or slightly earlier date in origin and was the centre of a weekly market on Thursdays , for which a charter was granted in the 13th century .
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