Example sentences of "otherwise than [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( 5 ) No indemnity shall be payable under this Act in any of the following cases : — ( a ) where the applicant or a person from whom he derives title ( otherwise than under a disposition for valuable consideration which is registered or protected on the register ) has caused or substantially contributed to the loss by fraud or lack of proper care ; … ( 6 ) Where an indemnity is paid in respect of the loss of an estate or interest in or charge on land the amount so paid shall not exceed — ( a ) Where the register is not rectified , the value of the estate , interest or charge at the time when the error or omission which caused the loss was made ; ( b ) Where the register is rectified , the value ( if there had been no rectification ) of the estate , interest or charge , immediately before the time of rectification .
2 The Order defines a self-employed person as an individual who works for gain or reward otherwise than under a contract of employment , whether or not he himself employs others .
3 otherwise than under the supervision ;
4 otherwise than under the supervision ’ It is a question of fact in each case whether or not the qualified driver was supervising .
5 otherwise than under the supervision ’ The most usual way of proving this point will be that the learner was alone in the vehicle .
6 No such obligation would in my view ordinarily arise where the third party comes into possession of information which , although once confidential , has ceased to be so otherwise than through the agency of the third party .
7 The register may be kept at the company 's registered office or at another office of the company or at the office of professional registrars to which the company has delegated this task , but , if kept otherwise than at the company 's registered office , notice must be given to the Registrar of the place where it is kept and of any change of that place .
8 The deputy judge refused probate of the 1982 document on the grounds that it had not been duly executed in that , although the amendment by section 17 of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 of section 9 of the Wills Act 1837 allowed a valid signature to be made otherwise than at the foot of the will , it had not altered the requirement that the testator should have made his will before signing it ; and that , in any event , the testator had lacked testamentary capacity .
9 Upon notice being given to the Corporation that the motor car described in the Schedule is to be laid up and out of use for a period of not less than four consecutive weeks ( otherwise than as a result of loss or damage covered by the Policy ) and subject to the relative International Motor Insurance Card ( Green Card ) being returned to the Corporation the Policy will be automatically suspended as from the date upon which such Card is received by the Corporation except as regards loss of or damage to such motor car by fire lightning explosion theft or attempted theft and on renewal a refund of 75% of the pro rata premium for the suspended period will be deducted from the renewal premium .
10 The scope of this section is wide , since there are three reasons why a person may be dealing otherwise than as a consumer : first , because he is a businessman ( see s 12(1) ( a ) ) ; second , because the other party is not a businessman ( see s 12(1) ( b ) ) ; and third , because the goods are not of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption ( see s 12(1) ( c ) ) .
11 Someone who has received an object in exchange is like a buyer ; and so is someone who has received it in payment or retained it after settlement of a law suit or obtained it on the basis of a promise otherwise than as a gift .
12 2.17 This exercise has been described in a different way by Lord Diplock in Mallett v McMonagle [ 1970 ] AC 166 at p174 : The purpose of an award of damages under the Fatal Accidents Act is to provide the widow and other dependants of the deceased with a capital sum , which , with prudent management , will be sufficient to supply them with material benefits of the same standards and duration as would have been provided for them out of the earnings of the deceased had he not been killed by the tortious act of the defendant , credit being given for the value of any material benefits which will accrue to them ( otherwise than as the fruits of insurance ) as a result of his death .
13 This is difficult to explain otherwise than as the result of the source being glacial Drift ; the same explanation may apply to other whetstones also .
14 if the vehicle is a public service vehicle , being a stage carriage or an express carriage being used otherwise than on an excursion on tour within the meaning of section 159(1) of the Transport Act , 1968 , and the vehicle is waiting , after having proceeded past the zebra crossing in relation to which the zebra controlled area is indicated , for the purpose of enabling persons to board or alight from the vehicle .
15 Dealing otherwise than with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss
16 Section 4(1) ( c ) provides : ( c ) ( i ) that the only supply of the product to another by the person proceeded against was otherwise than in the course of a business of that person 's ; and ( c ) ( ii ) that section 2(2) above does not apply to that person or applies to him by virtue of things done otherwise than with a view to profit …
17 We were acting under the authority of the Security Council for the purpose authorised by the Security Council , and that did not extend to the invasion of Iraq otherwise than for the purpose of driving it out of Kuwait .
18 However , both the Commission and national authorities are bound not to disclose any business secrets and therefore the recipient of any such document could not pass it on to any other national authority or use it otherwise than for the investigation in hand .
19 The court ordered disclosure to B. , for use on the hearing of the reference , of all witness statements and documents in the possession of the authority as a result of the investigation , on his implied undertaking not to use the disclosed documents otherwise than for the purposes of pursuing his criminal appeal on the reference , assurances having been given to informants that statements would not ordinarily be used otherwise than for the investigation of the complaint or for any criminal or disciplinary proceedings which might follow .
20 We understand indeed from Mr. Richards that reassurance is nowadays routinely given to those whose co-operation is sought : they are told that their statements will not ordinarily be used otherwise than for the investigation of the complaint and for any disciplinary or criminal proceedings that may follow .
21 The court ordered disclosure to B. , for use on the hearing of the reference , of all witness statements and documents in the possession of the authority as a result of the investigation , on his implied undertaking not to use the disclosed documents otherwise than for the purposes of pursuing his criminal appeal on the reference , assurances having been given to informants that statements would not ordinarily be used otherwise than for the investigation of the complaint or for any criminal or disciplinary proceedings which might follow .
22 But for such proposed order the appellant would clearly be unable to hand over the documents : he would be subject to an implied undertaking , analogous to that arising on discovery in civil proceedings , not to use the disclosed documents otherwise than for the purposes for which discovery was given , here the pursuance of the criminal appeal which is now , of course , successfully concluded .
23 Section 20(6) defines consumer as follows : ( a ) in relation to any goods , it means any person who might wish to be supplied with the goods for his own private use or consumption ; ( b ) in relation to any services or facilities , it means any person who might wish to be provided with the services or facilities otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his ; and ( c ) in relation to any accommodation , it means any person who might wish to occupy the accommodation otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his .
24 Section 20(6) defines consumer as follows : ( a ) in relation to any goods , it means any person who might wish to be supplied with the goods for his own private use or consumption ; ( b ) in relation to any services or facilities , it means any person who might wish to be provided with the services or facilities otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his ; and ( c ) in relation to any accommodation , it means any person who might wish to occupy the accommodation otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his .
25 Amendments made : No. 62 , in page , 47 line , 43 , at end insert — ( ) The terms and conditions on which the Secretary of State may make any grants under this paragraph may include in particular conditions — ( a ) enabling him to require the repayment , in whole or in part , of sums paid by him if any other condition subject to which the sums were paid is not complied with ; and ( b ) requiring the payment of interest in respect of any period during which a sum due to him in accordance with any other condition remains unpaid , but shall not relate to the application by the college council to which the grant is made of any sums derived otherwise than from the Secretary of State . ' .
26 There was no suggestion that consent could be revoked otherwise than by a court order .
27 In Book I , Chapter 3 , Section 3 of his A System of Logic ( written before he had decided that a quality is simply a sensation regarded in a certain relation ) he distinguishes between a sensation and a quality , a distinction which , he feels , may be missed because we can seldom refer to the sensation otherwise than by a circumlocution , for example , by reference to the quality , as when we call a sensation ‘ the sensation of white ’ .
28 Mr. Richards also accepts that the procedure adopted by the judge on 16 October 1991 , and in particular his long and involved attempt to dispose of the matter otherwise than by an order , was inappropriate , and the judge was wrong to link the question of a wasted costs order with the question of a disciplinary complaint to the General Council of the Bar .
29 The basic requirement is that within 21 days after setting down , notice is to be given in a form which varies according to which section applies to the statement sought to be admitted ; more often than not this will be s 2 , seeking the admissability of a statement otherwise than in a document , when the notice must give particulars of the time , place and circumstances , at or in which the statement was made , the person by whom , and the person to whom , it was made and the substance of the statement or , if material , the words used .
30 ‘ In the United Kingdom ’ shall include investment advertisements issued outside the UK if they are directed at persons in the UK otherwise than in a newspaper etc published and principally circulated outside the UK or broadcast on a media primarily aimed outside the UK .
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