Example sentences of "perform [prep] [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Feats of this sort were probably performed as a preamble and as an accompaniment to the bull games .
2 Appropriate measures should be taken to ensure that staff working for the vendors are not involved in work performed for the purchaser or vice versa .
3 In the quiet of the huge place the horse performed like a champion and Felipe looked like another person from the man she now knew .
4 Operations in the middle ear , particularly the operation to replace the stapes ( one of the three bones which transmit sound waves to the inner ear ) , are performed with a microscope and demand a great deal of precision and concentration on the part of the surgeon .
5 These days , this is about as innovative as Hollywood gets , of course , but when the result is performed with the pace and panache of Russell Mulcahy 's Ricochet , maybe we should be grateful for small mercies .
6 Wandering players performed in the yard and customers came onto the gallery to watch them .
7 This was an obvious reference to the rebellion of 1601 , led by the Earl of Essex , when the play was performed in the hope that it would incite an outbreak and uprising , the play being performed on Saturday February 7th the day prior to that set for the uprising .
8 Some of them will be making a video recording of the items which have been performed in the past and they will also be taking part in an International Festival of Movement and Dance in Edinburgh in April .
9 They were shown videos of past plays performed in the department and offered the opportunity to watch Soviet television or the latest satellite language learning materials .
10 The kinase reactions were performed in the absence or presence of linearised DNA as indicated .
11 It need not , therefore , be related to any act performed in the belief that it has normative consequences .
12 It reached a climax in 1977 when another troupe of actors took over a shop in the main street of Shiraz , hard by the mosque , and performed in the shop and on the pavement a play that involved a full frontal rape and laws acts between naked , consenting actors .
13 Meanwhile , I had written a play which was performed within the house and was enjoyed by all concerned in it .
14 Ultrasound examination of the gall bladder , bile ducts , and liver was performed before the study and showed no stones , sludge , or other abnormalities .
15 Design services will also be performed on a time and materials basis by STB engineering consultants .
16 Design services will also be performed on a time and materials basis by Sparc Technology engineering consultants .
17 They claimed that the two laboratory investigations performed on the painting since it was slashed with a Stanley knife in 1986 showed discrepancies which seriously undermined their validity .
18 The goods shall be delivered and/or the work performed on the date and at the place stated overleaf , and in accordance with the instructions specified overleaf , during normal business hours unless previously arranged otherwise .
19 Once a package has been submitted for approval , no further work can be performed on the package until the nominated approver renders his decision .
20 The power amplifier itself is almost totally performed on the chip and this makes construction very straightforward .
21 The account describes the ‘ hospitals and open stables for the reception of diseased and sick horses in the first stage of their complaints ’ … ‘ more pure stables , which are taken up by horses in physic , or patients whose complaints are not contagious ’ … stocks where ‘ all operations are performed without the trouble or hazard of casting … a perfect skeleton of a horse , to refer to in cases of lameness , fractures , etc … various paddocks , some with and some without water for the better accommodation of horses of different descriptions , whose complaints require open air , or grass , for their perfect recovery ’ .
22 The translation from a general language to the machine specific is performed by a compiler or interpreter .
23 One and the same practice may be performed by a nurturant or a hostile mother , may occur within an easygoing or a rigidly authoritarian home , or may take place against a background of love or of hate .
24 It is this work , performed by the writer and reader , which ensures that the communication of feeling can take place .
25 The relative amount of processing performed by the eye and the brain has a big impact on the visual world of all animals .
26 The employer concluded that the possible accommodation of appointing a reader to assist the applicant would not be reasonable as it would result in the duties of employment being largely performed by the reader and not by the applicant .
27 We seem to be on firmer ground , however , if we suggest that a singer who draws upon a training in the English choral tradition will not readily perform in a way that is bogus , trivial or solipsistic , for the choral tradition is none of those things ; it embodies the results of countless individual strivings for the best results in conformity to a communal discipline .
28 On the day of his first marriage , his wife went off to perform in a matinée and Burton listened to the International match .
29 It was just enough time , however , for Bill to perform in a way that he usually ( being then only a puppy ) performed on the kitchen floor .
30 This explanation is then offered to others with the intention of getting them to agree that circumstances conspired to prevent you from performing with the excellence and flair that you would , in the normal course of events , have displayed .
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