Example sentences of "fully [verb] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Most people inhabit this in-between land , perhaps not fully accepting the concept of reincarnation but none the less thinking that ‘ there must be something there ’ .
2 It is doubtful whether Asquith fully assimilated the shift of allegiance which this letter quietly announced .
3 But these points did not fully answer the question of his motives .
4 The first tends to refer mainly to the military context which , while obviously important , is not what this book is about ; and the second is clearly state-centrist , and does not fully convey the scnse of hegemony where it does not directly involve the state , which I take to be crucial .
5 A statement from R U C headquarters tonight says that no words can fully convey the feeling of the force and all decent people at the manner of the murder .
6 Well aware that most workers were indifferent to foreign affairs , he fully expected the majority of them to be swept into fratricide by patriotic propaganda if war actually came .
7 It is impossible , for instance , to fully imitate the practice of making political speeches that analyse , summarise and comment upon a social situation without also developing the abstract skills that such practice entails .
8 Few buyers in any event fully realise the extent of their cleaning materials purchases as the various items are distributed amongst diverse cost centres and attributed budgets .
9 However we fully realise the importance of people in those landscapes .
10 The first paragraph reads — ‘ The Sub Committee have fully considered the question of the formation of the Club and are anxious to devise a scheme by which eventually the Links may become the absolute property of the Members of the Golf Club .
11 Routine metabolic screening of urine does not fully guarantee the absence of an oxidative phosphorylation disorder .
12 After all we are only half way through this year 's Charity of the Year programme and there is still a long way to go if we are to raise enough to fully fund the training of a Macmillan Nurse .
13 A number of other models have been suggested for the development of scientific knowledge , but these models are measuring the concomitants of scientific growth — the manpower , costs , publications , citations , etc — and none has so far been developed to fully describe the growth of knowledge itself , although Goffman 's work seems to have some predictive value .
14 This approach has enormously suggestive potential for analysis of listening , for it fully accepts the significance of new perceptual attitudes and situations while by-passing or at least putting in question the usual , too easy Adorn Ian assumptions of passivity .
15 The discussions over the Mutual Aid Agreement in early 1942 fully recognised the importance of full employment .
16 To say that effects are events which in a fundamental or standard sense can be explained is to say this : there is a possibility of our finding a proposition which fully answers the question of why they occurred .
17 Perhaps the SNP is moving in the same direction as its Welsh colleagues and is preparing to become a ‘ post nationalist party ’ that fully embraces the concept of Europe of the regions .
18 Astra says her methods do not fully exclude the possibility of normal DNA replication and can not repeat her results .
19 We fully support the idea of campaigning to change the law to give local authorities the , back the power towards enhanced redundancy payments .
20 The Anti-Apartheid Movement and the women active within it fully support the work of the Women 's League and the struggle of Black women for liberation .
21 U2 manager Paul McGuinness told NME : ‘ We fully support the introduction of this ingenious new technology and wish to see U2 material on the new format as soon as possible . ’
22 The film is not primarily a combat movie : no attempt is made to fully identify the kind of unit the protagonists are attached to , nor is there any attempt to locate the central act in time or place .
23 Whether managers fully exploit the pocket of discretion thus created depends on the intensity of their own commitment to profit maximisation .
24 We do not therefore believe the draft guidance , despite valiant efforts to convince , has fully embraced the concept of sustainability .
25 We do not therefore believe the draft guidance , despite valiant efforts to convince , has fully embraced the concept of sustainability .
26 This brings me back to my main theme , the need for more concentrated and co-ordinated work on manufacture and distribution , for without it , we will never fully understand the history of the development of the coarse wares , stylistically or chronologically .
27 To fully understand the significance of these developments we must attempt , firstly , to grasp the role of the state , for its work in regulating sexual behaviour is central but complex .
28 Personally , I doubt if anyone who has not experienced the onset of irreversible disability can fully understand the horror of the situation .
29 mise chifing is a bold attempt , but the addition of the " e " shows that the child does n't fully understand the effect of the e-marker in such contexts as -a-e , -i-e , etc .
30 Such an insider 's account will therefore hopefully achieve the ‘ finer grain and detail ’ MacDonald ( 1987 ) demanded of postmodern ‘ anthropology at home ’ , while ‘ practical mastery ’ of the ethnographic field should reduce the problems faced by McCabe and Sutcliffe ( 1978 ) , who set out to pursue participant observation on the police and found that ‘ it would be necessary for anyone wishing to fully understand the process of policing to take into account the difficulties in gaining access and an understanding of just what was going on ’ .
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