Example sentences of "attend [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 This has been one of the best Friday debates that I have attended for a long time .
2 The 20th session of the World Economic Forum , a meeting of senior economists from some 60 industrialized countries , was held in Davos , Switzerland , on Feb. 1-6 , when the discussion was attended for the first time by representatives from Eastern Europe .
3 The annual meeting was attended for the first time by a Soviet delegation led by Viktor Gerashchenko in anticipation of full Soviet membership of the Fund and the Bank .
4 It was attended for the first time by observers from China and France , neither of which was a signatory of the treaty .
5 Participants from the former Soviet republics attended for the first time on Nov. 23-24 a meeting in Paris of the 17-member Co-ordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls ( COCOM — once primarily a forum for controlling the acquisition of sensitive Western technology by the Soviet Union and its allies ) .
6 When she attends for the first time , she assesses the patient : if he is out of bed and eating his breakfast , for instance , she observes whether he can feed himself , or whether he needs help ; whether he has perceptual problems ; how good his balance is while he is sitting ; whether he is limited by spasticity ; what his posture is like ; and then whether he is capable of standing and walking .
7 Many of these children had been attending for a long time , so they already knew many things , specially the important things like how to stand in line and what to do when your pen-nib broke .
8 Representatives from eastern Europe will be attending for the first time .
9 Delegations attending for the first time came from Cambodia , Egypt ( with 250,000 French-speakers ) , Bulgaria ( with 350,000 ) , and Romania ( with 1,100,000 ) .
10 The Chairman , , welcomed and presented certificates to three newly qualified teachers attending for the first time .
11 Mauritania , still in dispute with Senegal , was not represented by its head of state , and there was no delegation from Nigeria , which had been represented in Casablanca in December 1988 [ p. 36717 ] ; however , President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda attended for the first time .
12 Lithuania 's President Vytautas Landsbergis attended for the first time on June 12 a meeting of the USSR Council of the Federation , comprising the Presidents of the 15 union republics ( previously he had refused to participate on the grounds that he was the head of a foreign state ) .
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