Example sentences of "responsible for [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 and on page seventy eight there is one of those tables , it follows from your previous answer , that you would be responsible for the figures of six pounds , thirty five at the top , nine pounds , fifty five and twelve pounds , seventy
2 He was personally held responsible for the failures of his economic stewardship .
3 At present , parents can be held responsible for the misdemeanors of their children , yet they are not allowed to chastise their children for fear of reprisals from the courts .
4 Although this rank was that of a clerk , in the Constantian period it was applied to those officials who were responsible for the minutes of the imperial consistory and some of them rose to the highest ranks .
5 In short , his argument is that it is the very abstraction which confers the material advantages of modern science , and the social advantages of both modern freedom and equality , which is also responsible for the dilemmas of exploitation and alienation. the central conflict is not , therefore , one between liberalism and equality , which come from the same root , but one emerging from a recognition that both of these entail consequences which may turn against the interests of the subject .
6 He said : ‘ We have very good arguments to prove that we can not be held responsible for the actions of a few people who did not know what they were doing .
7 In any case , it is Gandhi 's view that every citizen , since lie sustains a government in power , is responsible for the actions of that government .
8 Remember , that as the carrier , you remain legally responsible for the actions of your subcontract haulier .
9 She was not responsible for the actions of her male relatives .
10 Amendments to the Wildlife and Countryside Act should help stem the practise by making landowners more responsible for the actions of their gamekeepers .
11 However , the exact liability of the member will depend on the wording of the relevant rules , and associated factors such as the extent to which the member is responsible for the actions of others , the seriousness of the breach , and the degree of fault or negligence required .
12 THE law must be changed to make parents responsible for the actions of their children , according to Gwendoline Lamb .
13 How do we know that sexual reproduction is responsible for the relative uniformity of species , and that its absence is responsible for the discontinuities between them ?
14 Under the Building Societies Act 1986 UK building societies are responsible for the liabilities of their offshore subsidiaries .
15 Other squat , duck-like birds are comparable to those at Barton Farm ; indeed , whereas the animals in these mosaics appear to be of quite different styles , it seems that the draughtsman responsible for the birds at Barton Farm was also responsible for those at Withington .
16 The findings mean that , contrary to previous opinion , people of the same cultural background may have been responsible for the paintings at El Castillo and Niaux .
17 We are not concerned here with the question as to whether or not the bank is vicariously responsible for the acts of Mr. Aboody .
18 We are not concerned here with the question as to whether or not the bank is vicariously responsible for the acts of Mr. Aboody .
19 Subject to the contrary agreement of the partners : ( 5 ) Every partner may take part in the management of the partnership business ( 7 ) No partner may be introduced as a partner without the consent of all existing partners ( 8 ) Any difference arising as to ordinary matters connected with the partnership business may be decided by a majority of the partners , but no change may be made in the nature of the partnership business without the consent of all existing partners It is obvious enough that if a partner is to be held responsible for the acts of his co-partners committed in the name of the firm he should in principle have : ( 1 ) unrestricted access to information about those acts ; ( 2 ) every right , indeed a duty , to assume personal responsibility ( equally with his co-partners ) for the conduct of the firm 's affairs ; and ( 3 ) the right ( by exercise of a veto ) to prevent any act for which he is unwilling to accept liability .
20 January 1991 The Council of Ministers replaces Llorens with Maria Corral , formerly responsible for the acquisitions of the Fundación Caja de Pensiones .
21 The national security law was responsible for the fears of a police state .
22 Thus in the above example , the customer probably is not responsible for the provisions of the crane .
23 The direction of the seif dunes shows the direction of the prevailing wind , which is also responsible for the barchans in the troughs , where the effects of strong winds from another quarter are not felt .
24 If such a working model of haemoglobin could be made , it would prove once and for all that it is the iron and not the porphyrin that 's ultimately responsible for the properties of haemoglobin .
25 This house believes that the British Govt. was solely responsible for the improvements in the quality of life of the British working class in the 19th Century .
26 Commissaire One of the officials responsible for the rules of the race — essentially , a referee in a car .
27 Not all of the factors responsible for the differences between the nature conservation/agriculture interface in the UK and French uplands stem from the LFA Directive .
28 There are probably other factors also responsible for the differences in permeability observed between patients with and without active disease .
29 But the reasons for that are in the general principle that people are responsible for the consequences of their actions .
30 Reference is constantly made to the president 's budget and the chief executive is held responsible for the consequences of budgetary policy , especially by members of the opposition party in Congress .
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