Example sentences of "involved in the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their game will allow Cantona to become more involved in the middle of the field than he ever was at Leeds .
2 The Sub-faculty of Chemistry , which consists of all those involved in the teaching of the subject , meets once a term with an elected chairman ( not usually a professor ) who serves for two years .
3 To this effect , care has been taken to develop material which is both accessible and replicable , and which will have direct practical benefit for those involved in the teaching of English language and literature .
4 Much honour was indeed involved in the investing of and the matter was taken seriously .
5 Haeckel 's hypothesis had no genuine theoretical underpinning — why should the changes in the developing embryo mirror the transitions involved in the evolution of the species ?
6 The organisation is involved in the classification of carpets , and in the registering of ‘ quality ’ names .
7 Burly Clancy — the 6ft , 19st owner of a crane hire business — is thought to be one of five men involved in the ambush at Leamington Spa magistrates court , Warwicks .
8 Or material profits involved in the break-up of the landholdings of a lineage would be sacrificed to the symbolic profits associated with keeping the lineage 's patrimony intact .
9 It was natural that reformers should attack latifundia , where the under-utilization of the land and the pressure of population were obvious , rather than settle down to the complicated legal technicalities involved in the consolidation of vast numbers of dispersed strips .
10 Arsenal , Liverpool and Sheffield Wednesday are involved in the chase for a UEFA Cup place tonight .
11 Having recently been involved in the revision of about 20 standards dealing with the analysis of iron , steel and ferro-alloys for the British Standards Institution ( BSI ) , I have just learned that in all these documents the spelling of sulphur is to be altered to sulfur , for the element and in the names of all its derivatives .
12 I hope that Belgian Ministers involved in the fate of this airfield will read this and consider seriously the disadvantages of closure of Grimbergen , and they should also bear in mind the forthcoming elections !
13 Henceforward the Americans became involved in the fate of South Vietnam , tying their fortunes to those of the Diem government .
14 Neither had the House Government Operations sub-committee in Washington which , a few days before Coleman was publicly denounced in a CNN broadcast , opened hearings into allegations that the DEA was involved in the fate of Flight 103 .
15 In 1831 he abandoned the idea of taking holy orders and was also involved in the removal of ( Cardinal ) J. H. Newman [ q.v. ] from the local secretaryship of the Church Missionary Society .
16 Clearly , however , it remains significant to discover the extent of physical disturbance of the building or the land involved in the removal of the object .
17 Indeed , he participates so actively that he is apparently involved in the stoning to death of Stephen , officially regarded as the first Christian martyr ( although Stephen would have seen himself , of course , as a pious Jew ) .
18 Bassett was closely involved in the success of Wimbledon 's Crazy Gang , so he is no overnight success .
19 to co-ordinate the preparation of a handbook for those professionally involved in the field of training .
20 It is intended to represent the collective opinion of those professionally involved in the field of takeovers on a range of business standards appropriate to the conduct of such takeovers .
21 Despite adequate possession , Leicester had rarely threatened to pierce a Tranmere defence who fought as if they were also involved in the top of the table excitement .
22 It was a bad one for me right from the start when I got involved in the spinning at the first corner . ’
23 This was more so in the nineteenth century as Nonconformity grew stronger and more involved in the mainstream of national life , but it had always been the case .
24 Since the basic hypothesis of the ethogenic approach to the understanding of social action is that the very same social knowledge and skill is involved in the genesis of action and of accounts , by recording and analysing each separately , we have two mutually supporting and reciprocally checking ways of discovering the underlying system of social knowledge and belief .
25 FACTORS involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis , thrombosis and vasoconstriction contribute to the development of coronary heart disease .
26 These two peptide hormones have opposite effects on vascular tone and on smooth muscle cell proliferation , and as neointimal proliferation and vasospasm may be involved in the pathogenesis of coronary heart disease , the most likely mechanism by which the ACE polymorphism affects the risk of myocardial infarction is by modulating the level of these peptides in the coronary arteries .
27 This suggests that caerulein induces more severe pancreatitis than platelet activating factor and that , in addition to platelet activating factors , other mediators are probably involved in the pathogenesis of this pancreatitis .
28 These data suggest that platelet activating factor may be involved in the pathogenesis of Crohn 's disease and that it could be used as a marker of the mucosal activity of the disease .
29 These findings suggested that superoxide is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease .
30 Immunological abnormalities are generally accepted to be involved in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis .
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