Example sentences of "responsibility for the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Though Sir Derek must ultimately carry management responsibility for the mess ISC has got the company into , it would prove difficult to find someone better to sort it out if only because any newcomer would have to spend so long in getting to grips with the problems .
2 Should the plan be discovered and Alianor be seen as party to the clandestine meeting , she could well find herself in danger , accused of shelving her responsibility for the lady Anne 's protection and honour …
3 New appointees were : as Finance Minister , Mihaly Kupa ( an economist who , under the former " reform communist " regime , helped draft the first income tax system in Eastern Europe ) ; and as Ministers without portfolio Ernö Pungor ( head of the state office for technology development and of the national nuclear energy committee ) , Katalin Botos ( hitherto Rabar 's deputy in her post as State Secretary for Finance ) , and Andras Galszecsy ( who took over from Boross responsibility for the state security services ) .
4 ‘ Excessive rates of income tax ’ , he told the House of Commons , ‘ bear a heavy responsibility for the lack lustre performance of the British economy . ’
5 Responsibility for the photocopier cash box .
6 With Type I systems , the health authority receives funding for its population ; has a specific responsibility for the health/health care of that population ; and , in various combinations , provides and/or purchases services from other providers , public or private , to meet the health needs of the population .
7 With Type I systems the health authority receives funding for its population ; has a specific responsibility for the health/health care of that population ; and , in various combinations depending on how radical the proposal claims to be , provides and/or purchases services from other providers , public or private , to meet the health needs of the population .
8 Responsibility for the land defence of Gibraltar was assumed by the locally raised Gibraltar regiment ; units of the British navy and air force continued to maintain a presence .
9 More recently Rudolf Herr has had overall responsibility for the road haulage interests of the group , and until his promotion , was Chairman of the management board of Rhenania .
10 The secret of its success lies in the empowerment of its employees ; all inspection is the responsibility of the employees themselves , as is responsibility for the manufacturing process .
11 In the first accident the design was certainly not at fault , but the underlying cause and the ultimate responsibility for the West Gate tragedy were never clearly established , in spite of the most searching questioning of Roberts and other witnesses by the Australian royal commission investigating the accident .
12 ( In 1984 , Bolivia was the only country in Latin America with Communists in the government : one of its two Communist ministers had responsibility for the mining industry . )
13 The CNAA had to decide not only the merits of the particular case , but whether it would be willing and able ( under its Charter ) to validate a teachers ' certificate as well as a degree , and how it might relate to the Area Training Organizations which had some responsibility for the teaching practice component of existing courses .
14 Deputy unit manager Phil Brown , who has taken responsibility for the computer system , says : ‘ We can do the stocktake in about half a day with the Psion Organiser .
15 Since 1976 , the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has assumed responsibility for the monitoring programme in Western Europe and subsequently extended this to Eastern Europe .
16 Responsibility for the Sex Discrimination Act , the Equal Pay Act and the Equal Opportunities Commission would be given to the Women 's Ministry .
17 Heads retain overall responsibility for the way education is conducted within the school .
18 The IRA claimed responsibility for the station attacks , blaming the Victoria casualties on " the cynical decision … not to evacuate railway stations " after a caller had warned 45 minutes earlier that bombs were to go off at all mainline stations .
19 ( 6 ) In accordance with the constitution of the Labour Party the General Committee of this party or the executive committee of a nationally affiliated organisation shall by resolution formally accept responsibility for the election expenses of the prospective candidate selected and a copy of such resolution shall be attached to the application of the constituency party to the National Executive Committee for endorsement .
20 Responsibility for the clean-up operation now falls on the German state , whose legacy includes two lakes filled with radioactive waste and massive tips of soil contaminated with uranium .
21 It is usual for engagement letters for sale mandates to include a phrase along the following lines : ‘ The responsibility for the Information Memorandum 's factual accuracy and opinions expressed therein will rest with yourselves .
22 Responsibility for the Information memorandum and Investment Overview ( see below ) is always that of the client .
23 As stated above the responsibility for the Information memorandum and Investment Overview is always that of the client .
24 4.5 For landlords , we propose a rule that when they part with their interest in the property let by a lease they will escape further responsibility for the lease obligations if , but only if , they comply with prescribed conditions .
25 Detectives were yesterday examining a tape of the anonymous caller and letters claiming responsibility for the arson attack on the two buildings , which housed more than 40 Turkish workers .
26 Each member state has designated a particular body to take responsibility for the comparability work .
27 The reason the TUC gave for supporting payment to mothers was an interesting one : they argued that ‘ in most cases mothers have the major responsibility for the family budget ’ , but little or no independent income ( HOC , 1973 , Vol .
28 As the engineers within the BEA began to take over direct responsibility for the power station sites during 1948 , the prospect of strengthening the organisation improved .
29 Normally he handed over responsibility for the routine maintenance of their relationship to Ellen , but she was letting him down , so he was going to try the only technique he knew : drop some explosive overboard and see what floated to the surface .
30 After Andy Payton 's failure against Plymouth Argyle ten days ago , stand-in skipper Phillips took responsibility for the spot kick and calmly sent Paul Reece the wrong way for his third goal of the season .
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