Example sentences of "myself [verb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I felt quite embarrassed and excused myself to go to the cloakroom .
2 I excuse myself to go to the toilet and throw up .
3 But it was n't until a fortnight after the accident , when I took it upon myself to see to the downstairs — particularly the kitchen which was in a state — ready for Auntie 's visit next day , that the riddle was solved .
4 Perhaps his own impatient temperament made this especially essential in his case : I myself fled to the wilderness when it proved no longer possible to live harmoniously with men , who , admittedly , were a frequent obstacle to my inner joy .
5 Some of my friends have been frightened into no longer wanting to smoke , others have faced the facts but are reconciled to being fonder of smoking than they are afraid of cancer , but I myself yield to the temptation to smoke although convinced that I ought to abstain .
6 myself open to the god .
7 Making myself known to the Press Department of the RCA Building at Rockefeller Centre , I was first taken to see the James Melton Show , another extremely popular national network feature .
8 ‘ I find myself talking to the baby all the time .
9 I have for myself come to the conclusion that owing to the conditions which exist in the world today , having regard to the economic environment , having regard to the situation of our country , if we go on pattering along as we are we shall have grave unemployment with us to the end of time , and I have come to the conclusion that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home markets .
10 I found myself humming to the tune of the violin an old man was playing for sous .
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