Example sentences of "express [pron] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 Last year congress carried a motion on racism and fascism expressing its alarm at the rise of fascism and racism in Germany and France this has always been a trade union issue .
2 In Strasbourg , the 23-nation Council of Europe issued a statement expressing its indignation at the killing .
3 Cheltenham Borough Council has passed a motion expressing its outrage at the murder and has promised to imrove security in the town .
4 For weeks prior to this , provincial and national newspapers had been expressing their outrage at the title of the album .
5 The music had sounded exactly like all other music he had ever heard , and the intervals between Louise Müller 's appearances had been rather tedious , but the display of her charms had provided more than adequate compensation for the occasional ennui Lefevre had enjoyed it even more , expressing his enthusiasm at the end by shouting , ‘ Bravo ! ’ standing , and clapping his hands above his head .
6 In expressing his regret at the violence Roman reinforced the Romanian government 's commitment to minority rights , at the same time pleading for an understanding of the views of Transylvanian Romanians , who had suffered greatly between 1940 and 1944 when northern Transylvania had been under Hungarian rule .
7 Four months later , Mr Mellor , then part of the Government 's Treasury team , wrote expressing his concern at the amount he still owed .
8 The prospect of another delay prompted the shadow Scottish secretary , Tom Clarke , to write to Mr Lang expressing his disappointment at the postponement .
9 In a letter to staff he said : ‘ I have to express my disappointment at the proposed changes .
10 Last week , the Montgomery County ( Maryland ) chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP ) , tired of waiting for the police to solve the case and for NIH to comment on the report , held a press conference to express its outrage at the events of the past seven months and to demand that the lives of those affected ‘ be made whole ’ .
11 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council have asked me to express their concern at the time taken to finalise this planning decision .
12 The by-election provided a timely opportunity for even the least politically-minded people to express their disgust at the Munich settlement .
13 North Wales MP John Marek is to meet Home Office minister Lord Ferrers next week to express his concern at the length of time the North Wales child abuse inquiry is taking and the fact that no outside police force is overseeing it .
14 Although in prose — as one says , perhaps too much influenced by the conventions of the comedies — this is one of the most serious scenes in the play ( 91–229 ) , and when the soldiers have left the King ascends to verse for what is to me the most deeply felt speech of all : In his own persona the King speaks verse , entering on to a prose-scene between Fluellen and Gower to express his anger at the French murder of the luggage-minders , and continuing in verse to Fluellen ( IV.vii.55–118 ) .
15 It is worth noting that , though Professor Hoskins points to John Clare as almost the only rural poet to express his dislike at the destruction of his native heaths , William Barnes wrote in a very similar vein of Dorset .
16 Villagers yesterday expressed their horror at the murder .
17 Peers expressed their sorrow at the news of the separation of the Prince and Princess of Wales after the Lord Chancellor Lord Mackay of Clashfern relayed the Prime Minister 's announcement to them .
18 At a rally in London , they expressed their anger at the proposed changes in the way they work .
19 Famous writer and critic Marghanita Laski expressed her amazement at the strange treatment given to ‘ such words as those till recently written as f-dash and c-dash ’ .
20 By Val Woan and Harry Dean MUM-TO-BE Paula Gilfoyle expressed her horror at the thought of someone hanging themself just 24 hours before she was found hanged , Liverpool Crown Court was told today .
21 MUM-TO-BE Paula Gilfoyle expressed her horror at the thought of someone hanging themself just 24 hours before she was found hanged , Liverpool Crown Court was told today .
22 The PAC also expressed its discontent at the name of CODESA — it had proposed " conference for a constituent assembly " — and the venue — it had urged that it be held at a " neutral " venue , outside South Africa .
23 The West German government expressed its concern at the police violence against protesters on Saturday , and political leaders in Bonn urged East Germany to bring in political and economic reforms .
24 Whilst noting the developments in human rights since the unbanning of political organizations in February 1990 , Amnesty expressed its concern at the number of killings in which security force members appeared to be directly implicated but where the security forces failed to take appropriate action .
25 The Australian government on June 16 expressed its concern at the discrepancies between the sentences imposed on civilian protesters and those given to soldiers in the wake of the November 1991 army massacre of pro-independence demonstrators in Dili , the capital of East Timor [ see pp.38579-80 ; 38677 ; 38769-70 ; 38867-68 ] .
26 The CDP also expressed its concern at the fact that no polytechnic director had been on the visiting party ( in fact , when the visiting party was first put together , it did include i polytechnic director , who withdrew at the last moment ) .
27 From 1974 until 1978 conferences were held annually , but at the 1978 meeting the ETUC expressed its concern at the lack of evidence of any positive results from the meetings .
28 The Israeli Prime Minister , Yitzhak Shamir , expressed his shock at the incident .
29 He landed at Durlston and expressed his delight at the beautiful scenery and pure air .
30 Mr Major , who had more than four hours of talks with President Clinton at the White House on Wednesday , expressed his delight at the way in which the discussions had gone .
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