Example sentences of "express [pron] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 The local newspaper published a letter from the Queen Mother , as patron of the Georgian Group , expressing her concern for the building .
2 The USSR noted ‘ with satisfaction ’ that ‘ Iran is expressing its support for the world-wide democratic international Non-Aligned Movement ’ .
3 Finally , thank you to all those readers who wrote from smallholdings all over Britain expressing their support for the John McCarthy campaign .
4 Participants were asked to write a letter to themselves as if from an imaginary — or real — ex-pupil , expressing their appreciation for the contribution that they , the teachers , had made to the pupil 's life .
5 Mr Yeltsin meanwhile sent a message to John Major expressing his gratitude for the Prime Minister 's support and understanding .
6 Austin Taylor managing director John Hudson , expressing his gratitude for the support shown , said market conditions were still tough because of the recession but added that joining CSI had greatly enhanced the Bethesda company 's prospects .
7 Simon was not reticent in expressing his dislike for the Jaguar-driving members who had previously snubbed him .
8 IWISH to express my support for the ambulance men and women .
9 Central Council would like to express their gratitude for the many generous donations and gifts which help to maintain the high standard of care given to the Home 's guests .
10 The families , she said , had asked her to express their gratitude for the warm and caring support from everyone there ; they were grateful , too , for the many messages of support and sympathy coming from outside Orkney .
11 Readers who wish to express their concern for the fate of the Taiwan Ten should write to : His Excellency Teuku Mohamad Hadi Thayed , The Indonesian Embassy , 38 Grosvenor Square , London W1X 9AD .
12 Consequently , our lads , whenever they wished to express their contempt for the French , would show them two fingers .
13 Miller went on to express his admiration for the depth of Leeds resources , saying ‘ They started with 3 internationals in Midfield , then put on another three in the second half ! ! ’
14 This attitude also led him to express his distaste for the American-sponsored discussions on world trade , known as the Kennedy Round , that were currently being conducted within GATT : again , he suspected that they would produce a heightened American influence in Europe , something that would not be in Western Europe 's or France 's interests .
15 In a statement afterwards , the BBC said it had ‘ apologised to Mr Wright and his family and expressed their regret for the damage and distress caused ’ .
16 All the main parties except the communist Party of the Left and the Greens expressed their support for the move .
17 Choosing to turn a blind eye to the unlikely drama that was unfolding a few feet in front of her , she merely expressed her gratitude for the imitation topaz bangle that she 'd just unwrapped , before turning on her heels and heading downstairs to catch the special seasonal episode of Crossroads .
18 Since this was Keith Jones ' last committee meeting , the committee expressed its gratitude for the valuable contributions he had made to the committee .
19 The government , claiming that granting the pilots ' wage demand would set off a wage explosion and damage the economy , expressed its support for the airlines and took unprecedented steps to break the strike .
20 President Askar Akayev of Kirghizia condemned the " anti-constitutional coup " and Yeltsin 's decrees were repeatedly broadcast , but the Kirghiz CP expressed its support for the SCSE .
21 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
22 Kurt Huber , managing director , expressed his enthusiasm for the project by saying , ‘ the Clayton Aniline Company has played its part in the life of this area for well over 100 years … and this is a further demonstration of our continuing support and commitment to the community of East Manchester ’ .
23 He expressed his concern for the workforce and their families .
24 But he also expressed his concern for the future of Scottish athletics : ‘ It 's pathetic really — there 's no second tier of world class athletes after Tom , Yvonne , Liz ( McColgan ) and Tom Hanlon .
25 Two centuries after Hale 's pronouncement , Pollock B. unequivocally expressed his support for the marital rape exemption in similar terms .
26 In Brazil Bush thanked President Fernando Collor de Mello for adopting sanctions against Iraq ( one of Brazil 's major export markets ) and expressed his support for the government 's efforts to protect the Amazonian rain forest .
27 Baker travelled to Egypt on July 19 for talks with Mubarak , who expressed his support for the US plan , as did the visiting Lebanese Foreign Minister Faris Buwayz .
28 Ron George , leader of the Native Council of Canada , expressed his support for the package which , he said , would allow Canada 's native inhabitants for the first time to become " contributing members instead of poor statistics " .
29 In June 1901 , the Board received a letter in which he expressed his gratitude for the provision of a room for himself , and congratulated them on the efficient way in which the alterations had been carried out .
30 Mr Atkins has , on his visits to the school , expressed his admiration for the involvement of the school in the community and the school is grateful for his co-operation , advice and support .
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