Example sentences of "express [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Can I conclude Madam Deputy Speaker , once again , by expressing my gratitude to the auditing practices board and the many other professional bodies who 've been involved in considering this legislation .
2 Before expressing my views about the remaining issues , I think it helpful to set out shortly the general principles of law which are applicable to the Secretary of State 's decision-making process .
3 I would like to expand on the same topic by expressing my thoughts on the structures that exist , or fail to exist , in this country to help promising junior players become accomplished professionals .
4 A member of the Panel for twelve years , Mrs Laughton had written in November 1990 to the Secretary of State for Scotland , expressing her concerns about the deterioration of the system in Orkney since the suspension of Mrs Kemp .
5 The local newspaper published a letter from the Queen Mother , as patron of the Georgian Group , expressing her concern for the building .
6 The food 's all poisoned , and the newspapers are poisoned , and television 's poisoned , and Brian makes money telling people everything is n't — poisoned , ’ she concluded , sober enough to realize that she might not be expressing her thoughts with the clarity their profundity deserved .
7 In England during the war , she literally committed suicide by refusing her food rations , thus expressing her solidarity with the starving of Europe .
8 Letter of thanks from Mrs Cunning of the music department of Currie High School expressing her thanks for the cheque for £10 sent to be used for the purchase of music .
9 AI has appealed to Brazilian parliamentarians expressing its concern over the moves to reinstate the death penalty .
10 Last year congress carried a motion on racism and fascism expressing its alarm at the rise of fascism and racism in Germany and France this has always been a trade union issue .
11 In Strasbourg , the 23-nation Council of Europe issued a statement expressing its indignation at the killing .
12 Cheltenham Borough Council has passed a motion expressing its outrage at the murder and has promised to imrove security in the town .
13 The USSR noted ‘ with satisfaction ’ that ‘ Iran is expressing its support for the world-wide democratic international Non-Aligned Movement ’ .
14 Expressing its disappointment with the decisions of the official summit , the Global Forum drew up a set of alternative treaties designed as " working documents for a post-summit era " .
15 The carriage window was quickly let down , and the Queen and Prince Consort … turned with smiling faces to the multitude who thought only of expressing their loyalty to the utmost .
16 For weeks prior to this , provincial and national newspapers had been expressing their outrage at the title of the album .
17 Hilda read extracts from letters received from Dr. Monnica Stewart , Margot Hawker , physiotherapist and June Sutherland , occupational therapist all expressing their enjoyment of the day and appreciation of our work .
18 Hilda read extracts from letters received from Dr. Monnica Stewart , Margot Hawker , physiotherapist and June Sutherland , occupational therapist all expressing their enjoyment of the day and appreciation of our work .
19 Finally , thank you to all those readers who wrote from smallholdings all over Britain expressing their support for the John McCarthy campaign .
20 The recent history of our struggles has shown how people can shrink the world to the size of their communities and act politically on that basis , expressing their dissent in the symbolism of disorderly protest while demanding control over their immediate conditions .
21 ‘ I have been contacted by a number of my constituents , who work for Clwyd County Council , expressing their concerns about the way they will be represented during the period of local government reorganisation .
22 The qualification " as it were " in ( 1 ) suggests Pemberton 's own inner voice ; " that he could n't find it " in ( 4 ) suggests the boy 's peremptory style of speech ; something really superior in the way of a resident tutor " ( 11 ) suggests the Moreens ' way of expressing their requirements in the style of genteel private advertisements .
23 Since the newcomers are dependent upon them for neither employment nor housing , they are not inhibited by a web of economic and social ties from expressing their opposition to the opinions and activities of farmers or landowners hitherto considered locally omnipotent , Middle-class and well-educated , they even compete with farmers and landowners for positions of authority and local responsibility , disrupting or threatening to disrupt the customary hierarchy of dominance and status in the village .
24 The metaphysical poets of the 17th century were rarely interested in pastoral as a game and preferred to move on to a more realistic way of expressing their discontentment with the mercantile age they lived in .
25 Participants were asked to write a letter to themselves as if from an imaginary — or real — ex-pupil , expressing their appreciation for the contribution that they , the teachers , had made to the pupil 's life .
26 One year later she and her husband were expressing their thanks to the Home Support Project for helping them to go on looking after Mrs Cummings at home , and said that although it was still a strain it was ‘ nowhere near as hard as it has been , now that we 've got other people to help us ’ .
27 Or Strauss expressing his fears of the ‘ Philistine , the obtuse vindictive critic ’ ?
28 Broderick had even written a letter expressing his sympathy to the victims ' family .
29 The music had sounded exactly like all other music he had ever heard , and the intervals between Louise Müller 's appearances had been rather tedious , but the display of her charms had provided more than adequate compensation for the occasional ennui Lefevre had enjoyed it even more , expressing his enthusiasm at the end by shouting , ‘ Bravo ! ’ standing , and clapping his hands above his head .
30 The trial resumed on July 22 , when Khmara was again removed from the courtroom for expressing his distrust of the judges .
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