Example sentences of "express [noun] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike wedding reception speeches the engagement party speeches are usually very short , merely introducing the young couple , expressing pleasure at the engagement , and wishing them happiness .
2 Expressing disappointment at the decision to dissolve the Royal Commission , for which the new Advisory Council would be no substitute , Heath contended that such a serious outcome could have been avoided if , after the resignation of the initial six members , the Prime Minister or the Home Secretary had said firmly that they would appoint others to take their place .
3 I WAS interested to read a letter from my old headmaster , Mr D Henderson , expressing disappointment at the failure of his bid to establish a sixth form at Hummersknott School .
4 Thirty of Germany 's best-known film-makers , including Wenders , Schlöndorff and Werner Herzog , put their names to an advertisement in Variety expressing regret at the decision , writing of ‘ the special responsibility the past imposes on us ’ .
5 The England management later issued a statement expressing regret at the incident
6 The " over-cohesiveness ' in adjacent sentences ( c ) and ( g ) was commented on particularly , with workshop particpants expressing dissatisfaction at the repetitiveness of the " there were … " construction and the similarity of the phrases " in the courtyard " and " of the courtyard " .
7 Will the Prime Minister take this opportunity to join me in expressing joy at the release of Terry Waite and Tom Sutherland from their long and terrible captivity ?
8 As environmentalists pointed out at the time of the Shetlands disaster , there is a degree of hypocrisy in expressing outrage at the spillage when such accidents are the price we seem prepared to pay for access to oil .
9 Local and international conservationists joined many Namibians in expressing outrage at the suggestion .
10 The European Parliament on Feb. 14 approved a resolution calling for an end to " the deplorable situation of human rights abuses " in Guatemala and expressing concern at the lack of progress in investigating abuses .
11 I was interested to read recent letters expressing concern at the absence of small birds .
12 After a little more conversation , mainly expressing amazement at the splendour of Tamar 's circumstances , they urged their horses to a brisk pace and had no further chance to speak .
13 Expressing satisfaction at the signing of START , Gorbachev said that " mechanisms " would shortly be established to discuss how to proceed further .
14 Relations with Iran improved noticeably by the end of 1989 , the Iranian government in December expressing satisfaction at the lifting of the ban on headscarves at Turkish universities [ see above ] .
15 LINDA McCartney , wife of former Beatle Paul McCartney , has written to Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating to express disgust at the premier 's investment in a pig farm .
16 We write to express astonishment at the standard of writing that has featured in much of your pre-election coverage .
17 Having observed his or her own former situation by means of regression , the patent will then during the course of a counselling session have the opportunity to discuss what happened ( something that may never have been done before ) , to express anger at the perpetrator and possibly at others who may have guessed what was going on but perhaps did nothing to prevent it , and to understand that he or she was in no way to blame for what occurred .
18 Following receipt of a Government letter he had written to express concern at the lack of information and support , to which there had been no reply .
19 The one thing they seem to be trying to do now is obfuscation and delay er and I think we ought to voice our concern and I hope the Council will agree to ask the Town Clerk to express concern at the way it 's being handled .
20 The five main party leaders contesting the general election united to express dismay at the breakdown of the Gatt negotiations .
21 My husband expressed horror at the prospect of a similar incident occurring today .
22 France expressed horror at the assassination and appealed for unity to assure peace in the country it once ruled .
23 Godfrey McIvor , Central Region 's education convener , expressed disappointment at the parent ballot , and said a strong case would be made to the Scottish Secretary to keep St Mary 's in local authority control .
24 Several delegations , including that from Britain , expressed disappointment at the slowness of the progress .
25 A spokesman for RGU expressed disappointment at the breakdown of the talks .
26 At the close of the November SII talks the USA expressed disappointment at the outcome and accused the Japanese of displaying " very little flexibility " in acknowledging " market access problems embedded in the Japanese economy " .
27 The Maguire family expressed disappointment at the appeal court 's decision and said they would seek justice from Sir John May , when he reconvened his inquiry in September .
28 The official report of that conference expressed regret at the omission of any adequate treatment of Southern Buddhism , and the questionnaire and its answers attempted to remedy the omission .
29 NATO Secretary-General Manfred Wörner expressed regret at the decision .
30 Fiona Hyslop , one of the national executive committee members who voted for the unsuccessful motion drawn up by the policy vice-convener , Rob Gibson , which expressed regret at the leadership 's decision during last weekend 's NEC meeting , criticised the party infighting .
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