Example sentences of "concern have been [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 Concern has been voiced over the plight of the Dipper , a bird which lives near upland rivers in the north and the west of the country .
2 In recent years , concern has been raised over exposure to ionizing radiation from radon gas .
3 Concern has been expressed over the bid which , if successful , would make the UK travel industry a duopoly with Airtours and Thomson as the market leaders .
4 Over recent years considerable concern has been expressed over the introduction of new diseases caused by bacteria and viruses in particular .
5 Concern has been expressed over the accuracy of death certificates in general , and certification of death from asthma in particular , but my study suggests that the inaccuracy may be much greater than previously realised .
6 Since the 1920s concern has been expressed over the fact that it tends to be the younger and better qualified people who are 51 leaving the less dynamic North , thus undermining the ability of the latter to rejuvenate itself .
7 Particular concern has been expressed over the construction of an air base at Shindand in western Afghanistan .
8 A report which goes before Middlesbrough councillors on Wednesday says : ‘ Concern has been expressed over the activities of some of those employed to control access to licensed premises .
9 In Scotland , concern has been expressed over the implications of studio closures and job losses , but it has met with soothing words from the BBC 's executives and from its political masters in government .
10 Over the past fifteen years concern has been growing over the environmental effects and social costs of ‘ acid rain' .
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