Example sentences of "suffer in the same way " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have three children and even though I do not have a job at present , they will never have to suffer in the same way as the children of Somalia . ’
2 Mosasaurs , when not head-butting each other , were deep-diving sea hunters , and evidence of avascular necrosis in their bone structure hinted that they suffered in the same way as did human divers — they had frequent spells of the ‘ bends ’ .
3 It is also helpful to know that he or she was by no means alone and that many others suffered in the same way .
4 Craig and Wedderburn showed that while almost all industrial workers have to clock in , almost all managers do not have to do so ; while 90 per cent of workers had their pay reduced for lateness , none of the management employees suffered in the same way .
5 There are plenty of women in the world of gyms , aerobics and body conditioning who suffer in the same way .
6 The UK accounts for almost half group turnover , and the European operations , mainly France and Germany ‘ are not suffering in the same way as the UK , ’ Mr Stephens said .
7 And , thinking of friends , her friend Rosemary seemed to be suffering in the same way as Travis Hepwood .
8 A female Canadian relative of mine says they are suffering in the same way .
9 His father had suffered the humiliation because of Mills ' treachery and so the traitor should suffer in the same way .
10 Longitudinal studies done in ‘ rounds ’ ( e.g. observation at , say , five-year intervals of historical time ) can suffer in the same way but , with continuous monitoring , the problem disappears .
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