Example sentences of "task of [v-ing] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , whilst women , as it were , merely conducted the animal-like repetitive tasks of carrying on the reproduction of the human race , men , by one supreme symbolic act , imposed themselves upon nature and enacted a cultural rebirth .
2 Susan Barber took over from Catherine Stark at the beginning of the year the task of laying out the Magazine pages including the graphics and illustrations .
3 Perhaps the essential task of bringing in the new democracies of eastern Europe will founder on economic collapse , ethnic unrest and social upheaval .
4 Those organizations whose clients benefit from the subsidy , whether it be the private pensions industry , or the building societies or banks , would be told a year in advance what the cash ceiling was to be , and the organizations would have the task of sharing out the tax subsidy amongst customers , and potential new customers .
5 In some bureaux , the workers themselves have the task of writing up the JPR which must be signed as accurate by the worker and the bureau manager .
6 They remain dedicated to the task of setting up a group of integrated schools as a sector of education complementary to the existing system .
7 Coopers & Lybrand played host recently to a delegation of Russian officials presented with the unenviable task of setting up a market economy from scratch .
8 Asher , and Dunbar became MAD Ltd , with the task of setting up a new bookshop .
9 Okay , I will then , outside this meeting , take on this task of setting up the forms view the output from all this gathering and decide what , whether we can make a sensible rationing from some of the forms .
10 We shall postpone until Chapter 3 the task of setting out the full array of intensional patterns which are expressed in the syntactic structures involving English adjectives .
11 The NLA , which held its first session on March 29 , came under attack from various politicians who claimed that its members were unqualified for the task of drawing up a new constitution .
12 While all members unanimously agreed the body should not be wound up , a small team has been given the task of drawing up a programme of action which will satisfy the Lib Dems ' requirements .
13 The task of drawing out the main points from the mass of data takes considerable practice and is time consuming .
14 Accompanying the arrival of peace were the problems of reorganising the economies , and the gigantic task of sorting out the millions of refugees and displaced persons scattered throughout Europe .
15 Good climbs here are sufficiently thick on the ground to make the task of sorting out the best rather bewildering to the newcomer , but an acquaintance with the following three routes ought to leave little doubt just what Froggatt can offer , probing as they do into most areas of the gritstone experience found at the ‘ middle grades ’ .
16 The Chancellor , the Financial Secretary to the Treasury , and the Prime Minister have the task of pointing out the financial realities of life to their colleagues .
17 This was clearly to prepare him for the task of taking over the captaincy the next summer .
18 The task of filling up the blanks I 'd rather leave to you .
19 " Oral " was often used by the writers of a scheme interchangeably with " mental " to refer to a test which required pupils to work out answers mentally although it was normally the teacher who performed the oral task of reading out the questions ; the pupil 's task being aural and written .
20 Sometimes the minutes are not circulated in advance of the meetings and the secretary then has the unenviable task of reading out the minutes to the meeting before the Chairman puts the question with regard to accuracy .
21 She would just have to give young William the task of cutting out the leather soles , he had learned very quickly and his hands , though small , were strong and deft .
22 By shying away from the ‘ unpleasant ’ task of spelling out the costs and benefits , society is likely to produce a very inefficient allocation in which the marginal costs and marginal benefits are very different in different activities .
23 In the same way R&D has the main task of carrying out the feasibility study and the development but shares with manufacturing the responsibility for ensuring that the production design is efficient from the latter 's point of view .
24 In the same way R&D has the main task of carrying out the feasibility study and the development but shares with manufacturing the responsibility for ensuring that the production design is efficient from the latter 's point of view .
25 It also has the task of carrying out the government 's monetary policy .
26 But it has passed the actual resolution of those problems back to the schools , and has charged schools and LEAs together with the task of reviewing how the curriculum as a whole can best secure the aims of the Act .
27 The first task of working out a method whereby society can be apprehended as a social system for the organization of production , rather than as a structure of consciously realized institutions , is only sketched out in The German Ideology , but it was to be developed in all of Marx 's later work , and it culminated in the analysis of capitalism contained in the three volumes of Capital .
28 Last year 's assembly remitted to us the task of working out the consequences for the service known as confirmation if children are admitted to the sacrament of the lord 's supper .
29 So one is left with the impossible task of explaining why a perfectly respectable causal chain should ‘ go mental ’ for a while and then , recovering its non-senses , should return to being purely physical .
30 This year those brief moments of feeling , of affection while sharing the task of putting up the decorations , of humility while listening to carol-singers , of joy when waking on Christmas morning , this year these brief moments will spread and grow and shape themselves to fit the whole year , the whole of our life .
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