Example sentences of "regard as a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 This.vertical Phillips curve ( labelled LPC in Fig. 6.4 ) can be regarded as a warning to policy-makers that continued attempts to reduce unemployment below its natural level can only lead to higher and higher inflation rates and no long-run decrease in unemployment .
2 Profumo unfortunately succumbed to the charms of a Miss Christine Keeler who — casting my mind back — appeared at the time to be an attractive little thing , and whose very appearance could be regarded as a warning to every husband anxious to preserve his marriage .
3 Arthur de la Mare observed on 29 June 1946 that a situation had arisen which could , without exaggeration , be regarded as a menace to world peace .
4 Such an exhortation was meant to encourage adolescents to accept what was in effect an ideological belief , namely , that ‘ any service for which payment is accepted , however humble it may be , is to be regarded as a service to the community and to be conscientiously performed . ’
5 The provision of accommodation by a local authority should be regarded as a service to the family .
6 Heresy becomes a social solecism , a self-declared exile , as the personal history of Protestant converts amply proves : George Borrow 's Bible peddling was regarded as a threat to society itself or an incomprehensible eccentricity .
7 Their participation , approved in June [ see p. 38987 ] , had been prompted by Western concern to enlist co-operation in preventing sensitive technology reaching countries regarded as a threat to global security .
8 The Excess Profits Duty was widely regarded as a concession to mounting concern over profiteering ( Maguire 1987 ) , but the decision to levy it on societies posed fundamental questions about the nature of the cooperative enterprise .
9 Emphasising that " the key to a peaceful solution lies in the hands of Afghans themselves " , he said nevertheless that the talks had been made possible by the " new , positive and changing " United States attitude , a comment widely regarded as a reference to recent US congressional moves to cut aid to the mujahedeen by 10 per cent .
10 Zarathustra 's monotheistic religion can be regarded as a response to the social conditions of his time , an age of transition when a settled agricultural and pastoral community was being threatened by predatory tribes who still followed the nomadic way of life .
11 This extension of army powers , regarded as a blow to the authority of the government , came amid moves by the PPP to regain the political initiative .
12 Some part of NBFIs ' purchase of company securities in 1986 , therefore , should be regarded as a contribution to public sector financing .
13 In other words , active citizenship should be regarded as a supplement to , not as a substitute for , the citizenship of entitlement .
14 The offer , regarded as a boost to private and direct foreign investment [ see p. 39099 ] , had reportedly been prompted by an attempt to supplement the inadequate resources of the state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Commission and Oil India .
15 ‘ Anyone accused of murder is regarded as a danger to the public and there should have been more control here , ’ said a senior City police officer .
16 Similarly , the notion of social development through increasing differentiation and individuation has had a considerable place in later sociological theories , although its political implications have been judged in diverse ways ; from one aspect social differentiation may be seen as creating a mutual dependence of individuals and groups which is a fundamental element in a stable democratic system , while from another aspect ( as in Durkheim 's theory ) it may be regarded as a danger to the political order if it leads to excessive individualism , and then needs to be checked by a moral consensus embodied in the state .
17 Matthew Arnold , as we shall see in Chapter 3 , regarded English as a vehicle for overcoming class divisions ; in the late Victorian era , it was regarded as a sop to women demanding higher education ( see Baldick 1984 ) .
18 Neither an acute complication of gall stone disease nor a non-functioning gall bladder , if caused by a stone impacted in Hartmann 's pouch , was regarded as a contraindication to treatment .
19 The stringent exclusion criteria in trials of antithrombotic therapy ensured that less than 10% of those with AF were actually considered suitable for randomisation , and in one study , being over 75 was itself regarded as a contraindication to anticoagulation until later into the enrolment phase .
20 The question is whether this can really be regarded as a solution to the problem of the relativity of truth .
21 Spelling is often regarded as a totem to be preserved by patriots , rather than a technology , because it was invented thousands of years ago .
22 Santiago de Compostela can legitimately be regarded as a shrine to the survival of Nazarean thought , in implicit defiance of Rome .
23 It is not , however , to be regarded as a receptacle to be emptied and purified for an infilling of some cosmic force .
24 The jamming and bridging got steeper — with the one big consolation that , strength permitting , you could pop in nuts almost at will — until he reached a ledge which elsewhere he would have regarded as a slab to be climbed , but here seemed a spacious refuge .
25 Not only did Mr Solarz support a war that most liberal Democrats regarded as an invitation to disaster , but he actively pushed for confrontation with Iraq — linking arms in the process with such unlikely conservative allies as Richard Perle and Jeane Kirkpatrick .
26 Some of this money was pocketed by the English captain there , Thomas Catterton , who was regarded as an accomplice to the deal and was subsequently accused of treason .
27 10 years ago , announcing an allegiance to Leeds United was regarded as an admission to being demented , a psychopath , or both .
28 The ex-MetropolitaN Feltham cars followed their ex-L.U.T. brethren to Telford Avenue and some were allocated to Brixton Hill depôt which was now regarded as an annexe to Telford Avenue and had no traverser .
29 For that reason I have related some of the more interesting highlights of my life in the Western Isles in the following chapters which can be regarded as an intermission to my Cutter Service .
30 Perhaps the most general point to be made about the survey proper is that it should be regarded as an end-point to be reached after careful preparation .
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