Example sentences of "regard as [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The chairman of the Bar Council , Mr. Tony Scrivener — I hope that the remarks of Conservative Members from a sedentary position are not an attack on the Bar Council , which I think all of us would regard as an important and esteemed body .
2 A seasoned assessor will soon spot someone who is not taking an active and full part in the activity and it will be regarded as no better than trying to force your way on to the centre stage .
3 Although there were from time to time reports of " crossed aphasia " , in which the lesion is on the same side as the preferred hand ( Bramwell , 1899 ) , these were initially regarded as no more than occasional exceptions of the " contralateral rule " .
4 But it adds : ‘ Recourse to formal dispute arrangements should be regarded as a rare and serious event ’ .
5 IT HAS always been regarded as a guilty but harmless secret shared by thousands of women .
6 In his softly spoken New Zealand accent he says ‘ It 's the biggest and the most influential monastery in the area and is very much regarded as a religious and cultural centre for the local people .
7 And the Secretary of State had declared what might otherwise be regarded as a powerful if not irresistible force would be met by the immovable object of US resolution .
8 The exception to this approach was reflected in the willingness to cap institutional claims — an issue which on the whole was regarded as a strategic and tactical consideration in the relationship between the profession and the lending institutions , rather than as a matter of high principle .
9 This demonstrates that criticism can no longer be regarded as a straightforward and unproblematic response to a given work of art .
10 Interactionist approaches to explaining crime imply that for the purpose of studying such behaviour there is a correlation between being regarded as a criminal and in fact becoming one .
11 For people deprived of hearing , the law is regarded as a forbidden or impossible profession .
12 Surveys indicate that Mrs Thatcher is not regarded as a warm or compassionate person .
13 As the plains became higher and colder , so another memorable Andean beast appeared — the guanaco , country cousin to the llama , brother to the vicuña and the alpaca , and properly regarded as a small and humpless camel .
14 Chuan , who had experience as a Cabinet minister in the mid-1970s , was widely regarded as a moderate and a " clean " politician .
15 Since the tomato , being a member of the Solanaceae tribe which includes also the poisonous nightshades , was long regarded as a dangerous if not actually deadly fruit ( the potato and the aubergine , also of the Solanaceae family , have in their time suffered from the same associations ) presumably the mixture of vinegar and spices used in the early sauces were regarded as safety-devices against the possibly toxic effects of the fruit itself .
16 This meant that pensions were not regarded as a right but were dependent on the establishment of eligibility through contributions or ‘ work-testing ’ .
17 Prior consultation and participative decision-making has not always been regarded as a right but teachers ' involvement should be regarded as a professional entitlement .
18 Charles … allowed himself for the sake of a few thousand pounds to be regarded as a greedy and litigious landlord rather than as a just ruler or as a national king .
19 In this case , domination is regarded as a universal and ineradicable feature of human societies , explained either by innate differences among human beings ( Pareto , 1915–19 ) or by the superior power which an organized minority always possesses in relation to the unorganized majority ( Mosca , 1896 ) , although in Mosca 's work some concession is made to the view that the progress of democracy reduces the gap between rulers and ruled .
20 It seems or it seemed to us till lately — a natural thing that love ( under certain conditions ) should be regarded as a noble and ennobling passion : it is only if we imagine ourselves trying to explain this doctrine to Aristotle , Virgil , St Paul , or the author of Beomuy , that we become aware how far from natural it is .
21 He said that it should not be regarded as a luxury but used for education , rural development and economic reform : the time had come , he said , ‘ for television to change its outlook in this country in order to suit the requirements of a developing country like Zambia ’ .
22 In this context , the material before the board indicated — ( 1 ) that investors were persuaded by company representatives employed by the Winchester Group to cancel their existing policies and to ‘ switch ’ to Norwich Union without their best interests and any disadvantages attendant upon so doing necessarily being considered ; ( 2 ) that other undesirable selling practices — for instance ‘ overselling ’ whereby investors are persuaded to take out a range of policies which they may not be able to afford in the long term — have been employed by company representatives selling on behalf of the Winchester Group ; ( 3 ) that the fact find forms completed by the Winchester Group for forwarding to Norwich Union were inadequate for the purposes of ensuring that products were only sold to investors on a ‘ best advice ’ basis ; ( 4 ) that the connections between Mr. Tee and Mr. Kissane ( a former director of the Winchester Group now awaiting trial on charges of theft of client moneys ) and also between the Winchester Group and Mr. Randhir Singh were such as to call into question the extent to which the controllers , directors and senior managers of the Winchester Group could be regarded as being of good character and competent or otherwise suitable to manage the marketing of investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and also whether the Winchester Group could be safely regarded as a fit and proper person for the purposes of enjoying appointed representative status ; ( 5 ) that policies had been sold by eight persons engaged by the Winchester Group who had not been appointed as company representatives of Norwich Union or in any other way authorised to sell investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and that other individuals who had been appointed as company representatives had not been registered as such with Lautro ; ( 6 ) that certain company representatives engaged by the Winchester Group appeared to be channelling client moneys through their own personal bank accounts .
23 Wright , regarded as a stubborn if unglamorous left-handed opening bat , said he had known since the start of the year that he would retire .
24 Should a man 's life succeed in influencing and converting others then that might be regarded as a true and valid form of evangelism .
25 The Association also published a detailed rebuttal of what was regarded as an offensive and misleading book about the island by a writer of popular travelogues .
26 Erm , I 've worked for ten and a half years within this county of Clwyd as a social worker , regarded as an extensional and every year my employers er , who are based in London would like the county to know what were the remec recommended mileage rates for the reimbursel to a business car mileage ?
27 In a normal labour intermittent auscultation with a Pinard stethoscope could not be regarded as an inadequate or negligent form of assessment .
28 The modern female nude is regarded as an honest and intimate genre which reveals more of the artist 's own personality than any other subject .
29 They argue instead that flashbulb memories can be regarded as an extreme but normal type of autobiographical memory — though see also Schmidt and Bohannon ( 1988 ) and Cohen , McCloskey and Wible ( 1988 ) .
30 In response to an application by the Crown Prosecution Service for a judicial review , Lord Justice Lloyd said it was not open to the prosecution to take such action ‘ whenever faced with what is regarded as an inconvenient or unjust decision ’ .
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