Example sentences of "compare with the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The CSO perspective is one that involves producing a market scenario to compare with the observed mixed economy that exists .
2 But nothing could compare with the two universal sex-symbols of the decade , Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot .
3 Overall , compared with the 1992 general election results , support for the DC dropped by 4.8 per cent , for the Socialists by 3.6 per cent and for the PDS by 1.9 per cent , while the Northern League increased its share of the vote by 3.4 per cent , La Rete by 2.7 per cent and the MSI by 1.7 per cent .
4 For example , it can occur in a wake only sufficiently far downstream for the mean velocity deficit at the wake centre to be small compared with the total mean velocity .
5 It may be compared with the early Cambrian transgression after the Cadomian orogeny , the mid-Silurian transgression after the Taconian orogeny and the early Carboniferous transgression after the Caledonian and Acadian orogenies .
6 It is clear that some groups of animals , like the proboscideans ( elephants and allies ) , are much reduced now compared with the late Tertiary , both in variety and geographic distribution .
7 Support for the opposition VVD was 2.9 per cent down on 1986 , but stable compared with the 1989 general election , when it gained 14.6 per cent of the vote .
8 The action of the D-type bistable should be compared with the simple clocked S-R bistable .
9 The compromise agreed by the conference involved the creation of an elected 62-member Senate ( compared with the current 104-member appointed chamber ) , with limited powers , which would comprise six representatives from each province and one from each of the country 's two territories .
10 And in 1992/93 the average cash income for a hill farmer , from a sizeable sample of Scottish farms , is £16,700 , compared with the average manual earnings of £14,000 .
11 Only a few hundred were killed on the road each year ( about 4 per cent mortality ) , which , as the Table shows , is insignificant compared with the overall annual mortality rate of 50–60 per cent .
12 Normally they do so in such intimate contact that they immediately annihilate each other , because the force of gravity — and hence of antigravity — is weak over tiny distances when compared with the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force , which pull the particle and antiparticle inexorably together .
13 Their independent variable consisted of the firm 's financial performance , particularly return on equity and return on sales compared with the remaining non-litigated top 500 firms .
14 Vitrinite reflectance maturity profiles for the Visean , Namurian and Westphalian in single wells from the Southern North Sea Basin ( SNSB ) compared with the composite Carboniferous minimum uplift maturity-depth relationship .
15 My car is a Metro , quite small compared with the many large cars without disabled badges that continually park ( presumably with this warden 's blessing ) in this particular road .
16 The photographic relative bidirectional reflectance so recorded was then compared with the radiometric bidirectional reflectance for each surface .
17 compared with the typical traditional Housing Officer ?
18 Compared with the stereotyped western firm , they operate from the bottom up rather than the top down .
19 Pulling the tone pot taps the humbucker , and compared with the middle single coil it seems a little tame .
20 The discriminant functions obtained were used to predict the site of the primary tumour in the samples and the results compared with the actual primary diagnosis for each patient .
21 Socioeconomic status has been considered important because miners were of social class V earlier this century and this class has a 50% excess for gastric cancer compared with the higher social classes .
22 Our outcome data can not be compared with the existing published works because previous reports on chronic constipation with and without faecal soiling often combined younger and older children or children with idiopathic constipation and anorectal disorders , or both .
23 In the whole population , the genotype characterized by two short alleles ( genotype DD ) was associated with an excess of cases with myocardial infarction compared with the two other genotypes ( ID and II ) ( P=0.007 ) .
24 The same questions as those in the mental test were also given to some pupils as a standard written test so that performance on it could be compared with the two mental test versions .
25 Compared with the other great all-rounders of his time , Imran Khan , Richard Hadlee and Kapil Dev , he is certainly the best batsman and best slip fielder , but Hadlee and Imran are more dangerous bowlers , and much less likely to have a bad day .
26 Sociology has come very late to the university , compared with the other social sciences , and although it has found a base there in a way which the arts or journalism have not , even they have increasingly strong academic connections .
27 The Sun covers more cases compared with the other popular dailies .
28 These incursions were , however , small-scale and localised compared with the first major upheaval in the life of Tudor Sussex , the Reformation .
29 Although it is modest compared with the major producing fields , it has great significance as one of the first of a new generation of small fields to use the processing facilities offered by another field operator .
30 During the storage of such different metastable hepatic bile in the gall bladder , the metastability of bile was further reduced compared with the corresponding hepatic bile in the cholesterol gall stone patients , whereas such an effect was absent in the gall stone free patients ( Fig 1 ) .
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