Example sentences of "someone who [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , Tony 's people would ask if there was a model staying , or someone who looked like a model .
2 These machines are chess-playing calculators ; even the weakest is better than the average chess player ( someone who plays at the median strength of all those who know the rules ) .
3 ‘ You 're so slim that I thought you might be one of those women who are on a perpetual diet , and I dislike intensely dining with someone who eats like a sparrow . ’
4 It was a warming compliment , from someone who knew about the theatre .
5 Which did seem to point to someone who knew about the curry soup being prepared for supper .
6 However , as someone who identified with the student movements of the late 1960s , he was saddened to discover that present economic conditions meant ‘ normal ’ younger students were less willing , or able , to stand up for ‘ issues ’ .
7 He speaks with the considerable experience of someone who served as a Minister in the Department of Employment .
8 The other sizeable group of offences reported on is where the case involves someone well known ( e.g. Bronski pop man fined for sex offence or more frequently there is either fame by association ( e.g. GAY-SEX SHAME OF ESTHER 'S ‘ BROTHER' , where the inverted commas in the headline indicate the rather more tenuous link with television star Esther Rantzen than the headline immediately suggests ) , or the actor who was said to make £12,000 a year from impersonating Prince Charles , or someone who sounds from the headline to be well known ( e.g. CASTRATE ME SAYS GAY OPERA SINGER : He preyed on children .
9 As someone who came through the state school system and benefited from the investment that previous taxpayers spent on our schools , I believe that it is vital that today 's children and their parents get value for money from the present state school system .
10 In extreme cases , the same description was applied to someone who came from a distant village .
11 As someone who came from a happy , steady home , she might be able to offer help in some small way to some of these disadvantaged youngsters , a few of whom hardly know what it is to be loved at all .
12 At Hamilton Terrace Minton may have been relieved , after the turmoil of Bedford Gardens , to find himself sharing with someone who came from a similar background .
13 I know of someone who took in an old lady and she turned out to be well-known for being difficult .
14 They convey to someone who belongs to the same culture a lot of information about the person who is wearing or carrying them .
15 A refugee is defined as someone who suffers from a well founded fear of persecution , and the process has to determine whether such a fear is well-founded .
16 • Your description is of someone who suffers from an ‘ endogenous mania ’ , though your husband would need to be clinically assessed to confirm this .
17 We might think of a pioneer as someone who goes into the wilderness to prepare a home for others .
18 I actually knew someone who suffered from the ‘ dart syndrome ’ you mention , and he eventually overcame his disability , I believe with the help of a psychologist .
19 A comparable version of this is the face made by someone who barges into a room unannounced expeeting to speak to a friend , only to find that this friend is engaged in an intimate professional consultation with another colleague .
20 Thus the examples of ( 9 ) are acceptable : ( 9 ) your behaviour was barbaric this device is expensive his plan was inspired but impractical Where a prenominal adjective fits equally well with either relationship — ascriptive or associative — to its noun , we find that its occurrence in predicative position is acceptable , but only provided that the relation is taken as being ascriptive ; thus ( 10 ) mentions an individual who either has Greek nationality ( but the nature and region of the business which he or she deals with remain unspecified ) , or is a person who handles affairs connected with Greece ( but who may well be of some quite different nationality , Belgian for example ) ; ( 11 ) however unambiguously tells us that there is someone who falls into the former category : ( 10 ) the Greek representative ( 11 ) the representative is Greek
21 Maybe it would change her mind about the great Prince Sabatini , maybe she 'd ask her papa to marry her off to someone who believed in a woman 's right to decency and respect .
22 This term was introduced to describe someone who indulged in the science of ‘ aerostation ’ ( lighter-than-air flight ) using an ‘ aerostatic ’ machine ( balloon ) .
23 Surely , a full life even for someone who lived to the advance age of 92 .
24 A similar gender difference was apparent in the time spent helping someone who lived in a separate household ; here 32 per cent of women but only 22 per cent of men spent ten hours or more each week on care-giving ( Green , 1988 , p. 21 ) .
25 Peter Ackroyd is all of the formidable pasticheur that he is praised for being , and Dyer 's tale , which affects to be that of someone who lived in the eighteenth century , and in which the element of imitation , present in writing of every kind , is more obtrusive than it is in the other tale , is the livelier of the two .
26 Erm a few months back I was interviewing someone who lived in the area all their life and she said that the Sikh temple had distributed some E E C erm butter I think it was .
27 I think maybe there was someone who died in the war or something .
28 ‘ This was a one-off incident , a very unfortunate occurence , which appears to have been the result of an error by someone who resides in the hostel , ’ he added .
29 They came from almost every variety of home , from one grandson of a duke to the son of someone who survived on a small-holding .
30 Someone who looks after the youngsters and is co-operative .
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