Example sentences of "certainly not [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Dave Speed , of New Town Road , Colchester , who was made redundant by printers Spottiswoode six weeks ago after 19 years with the firm , said last night : ‘ It was certainly not a Budget for jobs which is what I , and others , were hoping for . ’
2 But to a Westerner Mr Tsurumaki is not a threatening presence , and certainly not a character from Black Rain as some of his detractors have hinted .
3 It is certainly not a tree for the impatient or faint-hearted gardener .
4 Not many people make it through to the evening meal without any snack , so , being realistic , the overweight person imagines Ms or Mr Trim indulges in a light , healthy snack such as fresh fruit in the afternoon ; certainly not a bar of chocolate .
5 It 's certainly not a guitar for everybody , and at about $1,200 it 's not cheap either , but I love it .
6 This is particularly evident in the work of Allen Tate , who like Ransom was a poet as well as a critic , and was certainly not a scholar of the traditional type .
7 Every middle-class employee is certainly not a member of the bourgeoisie , but most sociologists would also feel that the middle class are not true proletarians either , even though they own no wealth .
8 However , high population densities are certainly not a prerequisite for inequalities and a class structure to arise .
9 There is certainly not a mark on his perfectly-formed body .
10 Sugar said that the PDA was certainly not a blockbuster by the standards of the early personal computer market when the company could make a clear £300 on each machine sold : he put the total size of the UK electronic organiser market at around 200,000 units .
11 Restoration is certainly not a problem in the case of an extraordinary painting by Peter Paul Rubens recently bought by the J. Paul Getty Museum .
12 Structural reform by itself , however , is unlikely to deliver the required change of direction and it is certainly not a substitute for the commitment of inside reformers to shape policy and practice .
13 Nevertheless , the book contains some useful and interesting material and is certainly not a book to be ignored .
14 This is not a book for the general manager or lay reader — it is certainly not a book for the commuter or a late night read .
15 In true Spencer style — it is certainly not a family for the faint-hearted — there were angry words and exchanges of letters between the interested parties .
16 It was certainly not a moment of new moral resolve , or anything like it .
17 Certainly not a situation in which to ask important questions .
18 ( The deputy leader , Seamus Mallon described the Labour Party as ‘ Cromwellian ’ which is certainly not a term of endearment . )
19 But the TCCB have emphasised that acceptance of his explanation is certainly not a precedent for possible future cases .
20 But there 's certainly not a haven for bullies or no nor is it endemic in any way at all .
21 Although the perception that Phase 3 schools were under-resourced was widespread , the effectiveness of the PNP staffing enhancement was certainly not a consequence of numbers alone , any more than it is when schools are staffed at the conventional establishment figure .
22 The fixed belief that the sufferer may have problems and that these may be a cause of drinking or drug use , but certainly not a consequence of it , is the central psycho-pathology of the disease .
23 It was certainly not a prohibition on lending money at a rate of interest which can be earned by the recipient .
24 Certainly not the firm of Hang , for within the space of ten years from their involvement they had expended around £31,758 and all that money , and a deal more , found itself disseminated in two or three quiet corners of this remote part of England .
25 He was almost certainly not the candidate of the saner part .
26 He was certainly not the man for the various blue-blood , hard-man , gangsterish marine and commando outfits that he used every social connection to wangle his way into .
27 What is of importance is certainly not the idea of physicality as some ‘ ultimate constraint ’ or final determining factor , but rather the manner in which everyday objects continually assert their presence as simultaneously material force and symbol .
28 Certainly not the army of supporters who 've been painting , odd-jobbing and generally mucking in over the past week .
29 That might be the heart of Europe , but it is certainly not the heart of socialism .
30 It was certainly not the purpose for which the American and Canadian loans were procured .
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