Example sentences of "cut [pn reflx] [adv] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Why then cut ourselves off from the one source in which may be found an authoritative statement of the intention with which the legislation is placed before Parliament ?
2 I slid Lewis 's helmet on and cut myself off from the world .
3 That God 's creatures should revolt against him , and so cut themselves off from the ground of their own being , is an ‘ impossible possibility ’ which has nonetheless been actualised .
4 The situation will be made more dangerous if the EC cuts itself off from the new North American Free Trade Area .
5 By joining the pro-Iraqi camp the PLO effectively cut itself off from the moderating influences ( and financial backing ) of the Gulf states and Egypt , and rendered highly unlikely any prospects for a resumption of US-Palestinian talks ( broken off in June — see pp. 37547 ; 37626-27 ) .
6 What it meant was that matter could curve a region in on itself so much that it would effectively cut itself off from the rest of the universe .
7 If one had a particle with an energy above what is called the Planck energy , ten million million million GeV ( 1 followed by nineteen zeros ) , its mass would be so concentrated that it would cut itself off from the rest of the universe and form a little black hole .
8 This is bound to be seen as further evidence that Britain risks cutting itself off from the mainstream of European integration because of hostility both to economic and monetary union and to eventual political union .
9 Mickey Morris ' continued involvement in spite of his parents ' derision , Carlos Francis ' determination to defy his parents ' ridicule of football as a career , former British and European middleweight boxing champion Bunny Sterling 's refusal ‘ to let on to ’ his parents about his boxing : these are typical examples of black kids cutting themselves away from the strings of their parents and locating the vital , influential figures in their lives elsewhere .
10 The children are going to have them at home anyway , so if the teachers deny themselves this extra resource , and deny themselves the experience which the children can bring , I think they 're cutting themselves off from a tremendous source of encouragement and motivation .
11 Some newcomers have been indifferent to the sensibilities of the local population ; others , as we shall see , have been oversensitive to what they believe the needs of the village to be-In each case the effect has been the same : members of the former occupational community , faced with an invasion of ‘ their ’ village by outsiders , have tended to retreat in upon themselves and form a community within a community , cutting themselves off from the separate world of the newcomers .
12 For me , privacy was a rare commodity , and I had cut myself off from the subculture which had once sustained me — only to find that there was nowhere else to go .
13 And we are moving into an age , I think it must be recognised , where some of the traditional jobs for girls , for example , secretaries , shops , things of this sort , are actually being decreased because of the technological revolution , so bearing in mind that something like seventy per cent of women are actually in employment , it 's very important that a girl , at the age of thirteen or fourteen , does not decide to cut herself off from the possibility of employment in these technological , engineering fields .
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