Example sentences of "cut [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One day an elderly lady with a hearing aid came in and I was doing her hair , chatting away and making her laugh , and I cut right through the wire !
2 The Polish Corridor , with its customs barriers , check-points and crossing places cut right across the Vistula trade complex .
3 Cut halfway through the stem from top to bottom , then rinse well with cold , running water until no grit remains .
4 Cutting should be about 9in long , cut just below a leaf joint at the bottom , and just above a leaf joint at the top .
5 Cut just below a leaf joint , and trim off the bottom leaves together with the stipules ( the small scalelike growths at the base of each leafstalk ) .
6 If you mark your cutting line and zig-zag it and then cut just outside the zig-zag , or overlock the edges , it makes a perfectly firm and tidy edge .
7 Cut just under the leaf , where it joins the stem .
8 If the usual cap is not put on , the following is made for a man : it is of flannel , cut exactly like an infant 's foundling cap .
9 I cut effortlessly through the water with Ted and Callahan tagging along at my heels .
10 The simplest form of steps in a sloping site are those cut directly into the ground .
11 The illustration of Clifton Hill with its icy reserve and its windows cut directly into the ashlar without surrounds is easily the most stylistically advanced in The Complete Body of Architecture that Ware published in 1756 to celebrate his life 's work .
12 Cut carefully through the leaves at the top of the pineapple so that some remain attached to each half of the fruit .
13 Having said that , the book deals with the ten roughly parallel valleys that cut deep into the range from the north , with details of no less than 115 hiking routes .
14 But the landscape became grander and more exciting as we drove north ; great fiords cut deep into the land , and mountain-sides of lava screes towered away up into the clouds .
15 So I took my knife and cut almost through the rope , then waited , listening to the sound of two loud voices coming from the cabin .
16 There 's a network of country roads south that cut across to the coast .
17 Just why a partner or a member of the family is so opposed to certain changes is hard to fathom but since the Full Moon on the 14th cuts right across the home and career angles of your horoscope , you may have to turn your full attention to work matters for a while and leave property or domestic issues waiting on hold until towards end the of the month .
18 In ‘ waking up their souls ’ Marquez cuts straight to the heart of our earliest desires : to rise from the dead and be reunited with the souls of our lost ones , our dead forebears .
19 If the first beatitude cuts sharply across the ways of the world , then this second saying follows hard on its heels .
20 A breeze cuts across from the river , bringing that faint Thames aroma that floats up only when cars are off the road .
21 Alirio Parra , OPEC 's president who toured member states in an effort to get support for production cuts ahead of the Vienna meeting , declined to comment last night on the progress at the talks .
22 She cut lengthwise along the arm and missed the main arteries .
23 The recession also cut deeply into the UK catering market .
24 In its native China , the wheelbarrow 's narrow wheel might have sliced through the mud and found rock beneath , but here it just cut deep into the sand .
25 He cut across to the Maiden , hoping to catch another glimpse of Angela .
26 If such an experience can be recalled , it usually has the quality of being a person-to-person contact , not necessarily as equals in understanding , but cutting right through the barriers of status and age .
27 With a dado rail you would hang all of one type first , but we did n't do this as we needed both pieces wet so we could cut right through the overlap point with a sharp knife and remove both pieces of waste to leave a perfect butt joint .
28 The agouti , a long-legged rodent that forages nervously on the forest floor , has chisel-sharp front teeth that can cut right through the Brazil nut shell and extract the rich kernel .
29 Once around a young marine mammal 's neck , the plastic collar will slowly cut deeper into the animal 's flesh as it grows , until the animal is throttled or dies of starvation or infection .
30 I wonder what the Labour party would cut elsewhere in the health service to make up for that loss of revenue .
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