Example sentences of "cut [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cut through the Arch Duke 's sleevenotes and poems ( a bit hippy ) to discover that he is funnier and more inventive than at any time in the intervening years .
2 As heavy fighting took place at Orasje , Brcko and Gradacac , the three main towns in the corridor still under Croatian control , Croatian forces on Oct. 10 cut through the Serbian-controlled corridor near Brcko ; the area was retaken , however , on Oct. 12 .
3 Cut into the sultry gold of his skin she saw a thin white line which zigzagged down from beside his eye , along his cheekbone , to his jaw .
4 Many of the country lanes were so narrow that it would not have been possible for two vehicles to pass each other , but after half an hour , they cut into the main road that ran south from Cherbourg to Carentan .
5 Cut in the cold fire
6 After I 've stopped chucking and coughing they restart the video and we cut to the other scene and the tall hospital chair and the little guy again with empty eyes and McDunn says his bit about Persistent Vegetative State .
7 Eschewing the willy in favour of a well-adjusted McCulloch chainsaw , they cut to the intellectual quick with a violence born of years of journalistic abuse .
8 Salvation Street was on his left , a double row of cottages which cut across the low neck of land .
9 It was only a few seconds later , just as she was finishing an easy row of plain knitting , that she heard the tinkle of Faye 's bell , a clamorous , urgent sound that cut across the dreamy mood of the October afternoon .
10 However , despite my aim to provide flexibility in structure , the HyperCard still imposes a primary organizational structure and it may be difficult to extract information that has no relation to the original structure imposed by the author Nevertheless , some links have been made between tutorials which cut across the primary categorization and users are able to move between different sections as easily as moving within sections .
11 Although in most cases the shares of a company will fall into one or other of the primary classes of preference or ordinary , it is , of course , possible for the company to create shares for particular purposes and containing terms which cut across the normal classifications .
12 But the USR statistics also list ‘ other ’ and ‘ general ’ courses , and combinations which cut across the main course groupings .
13 That 's because the natural cleaning power of steam cuts through the soapy deposits and the dust particles which stick to them , quickly removing dirt and grime .
14 The triangle lies on a flat two-dimensional " plane " that cuts through the nine-dimensional hypervolume ( what one fool can do , another can ) .
15 Between Blackwell Mill and Monsal Head the route cuts through the central limestone plateau of the Peak District as it follows the deep valley of the River Wye .
16 They play with a raw , unsmiling aggression that cuts through the crappy circumstances .
17 Jananne Al-Ani 's Untitled Gulf War Piece cuts through the Orientalist propaganda of that war , and Mitra Tabrizian 's Surveillance makes us question national and social power relations .
18 It is at this point that the old Gotthard road and the railway line both cross to the west side of the valley while the modern motorway in galleries and tunnels cuts through the steep rock-flank of the massive Bristen , which was seen on the horizon earlier in the route .
19 It cuts through the back doors .
20 According to Axelrod and Hamilton , ‘ It turns out in many cases that if a fig wasp entering a young fig does not pollinate enough flowers for seeds and instead lays eggs in almost all , the tree cuts off the developing fig at an early stage .
21 I have a tin-opener that cuts off the whole top of the tin under the rim and leaves a blunt edge .
22 The tax cuts for the top income earners , the increase in share prices over the decade , and the effects of the recession have sharpened economic differentials in the Thatcher period .
23 If it does not facilitate economic growth and expansion then it limits its capacity to raise taxes and so cuts into the public revenue on which its own power depends .
24 The pound has steadied and the High Street should get a spending boost when home owners receive the full benefits of the building society cuts in the New Year .
25 Mr Lamont and the Prime Minister betrayed their nervousness about the pound by ruling out further interest rate cuts in the near future in an attempt to reassure foreign markets .
26 But there were also staff cuts in the public service and some privatization of production and distribution .
27 Thus the government announced sweeping increases in taxes and cuts in the public sector ; it aimed to scrap all the remaining state subsidies , sell off state assets , and fire about 80,000 workers ( a small proportion of public employees ) .
28 On Dec. 14 the Riksdag approved a major austerity package of spending cuts in social services , defence and subsidies , and job cuts in the public sector .
29 ‘ We used it to heal sword cuts in the Holy Land , ’ he said .
30 The film cuts from the Black man writing on the blackboard to the grotesque ‘ nigger minstrel'-style head of a Guy , which , as if it had been lynched and hung , falls ominously to its chest .
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