Example sentences of "grow up [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On Necromunda , so it is said , you grow up at an early age .
2 Some nothing can spoil , and they grow up into the nicest young people you can imagine . ’
3 It is not only the victims of mental or physical abuse who grow up with a faulty self-image .
4 As children , we grow up with the lovely stories in which animals really are people : The Wind in the Willows , Just so Stories , Watership Down .
5 This will differ according to the richness of the environment provided by the home and the wider community , but all children live and grow up in a print-rich world full of writing and people who write .
6 Er what was your first idea of what you was gon na be when you grow up in the first place ?
7 In the wild they spawn in fast-flowing streams , and the fry grow up in the slower reaches of the river .
8 She believes that it is essential that her children grow up in the outside world and not be hidden away in the artificial environment of a royal palace .
9 She 'd grown up into a beautiful fair girl , and every lad in the county had his eye on her , as Billy knew from all the women 's gossip .
10 These can be grown up as a pure bacterial growth in a veterinary laboratory .
11 ‘ As a farmer whose children have grown up on a busy farm , I am very aware of the risks and the work pressures that all too easily lead to children being exposed to danger .
12 A coconut belt had grown up along the south-western coastal fringe during the late eighteenth century .
13 Even the concrete floor had cracked with age and clusters of weeds had grown up through the uneven apertures .
14 There 's almost something too grown up about the Inspiral Carpets : like The Stranglers , they 're too professional , too accomplished , too ‘ manly ’ .
15 She was fortunate in that those who had passed through their political puberty in the fifties and sixties had grown up with a hazy notion of the Establishment .
16 The problems of Russia suddenly became topical two years ago at school , and although I 'd grown up with a faint mistrust of ‘ Commies ’ , in 1988 I started writing to Murat , a young Russian .
17 You had to be the , the perfect woman who was one , who had grown up from the little girl of the eighteen-thirties who was all bouncy and skippy and optimistic ; now she had to be very quiet , she was admired for her innocence , for her delicate nature and her dainty physique .
18 Uncertainty extends also to the question of Molla Yegan 's death date , about which a wide divergence of opinion has grown up amongst the various sources , who give dates ranging from 840/1436–7 to 878/1473–4 .
19 In this century , a substantial body of functionally differentiated statute law has grown up around the landlord–tenant relationship , such that today the nineteenth-century rules have limited — though still very important — practical application .
20 These myths mostly trace to his own misleading reminiscences later in life , and have been relentlessly reaffirmed since , at the 1959 centennial symposia for example and in the 1978 BBC-TV series on Darwin ; but they are nonetheless discredited by the scholarly industry now grown up around the rich manuscript archive from Darwin 's early years ( Kohn , 1986 ) .
21 The capital that has grown up around the old village of Muscat is a place of broad roads , shops , trees and flowers , imposing offices and graceful buildings in great variety .
22 The town has grown up around the magnificent 13th century Scaliger castle which towers above the water from a sheer rock and offers the most fantastic views .
23 This new town , a product of modern civilization , had grown up near the ancient Egdon Woods , where the paths over the hills had not changed for a thousand years .
24 Ministry seems to have grown up in a haphazard manner , basically in response to the need that various functions be performed .
25 Novice anthropologists are not all birds of a feather but most readers of this book are likely to have grown up in a modern industrialized society of the sort which presupposes a particular type of major distinction between private affairs and public affairs .
26 So she had grown up in a cold , almost emotionally empty vacuum .
27 But if you were Jewish , and had grown up in a strict kosher home it might be difficult to accept , even if you now had a broader view through your conversion to Christ .
28 He had grown up in the splendid sixties , had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth , enjoyed whatever he did to the hilt and was enough of a gentleman never to look back .
29 Essentially , there had grown up in the 1930s a system of subsidies which enabled milk to be bought cheaply by local education authorities for distribution ( free or at minimal cost ) to children .
30 They had grown up in the same house since they were babies and were virtually inseparable .
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