Example sentences of "grow [adv prt] of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bottom , between those of the Lovers in the pas de deux and those of Titania and Bottom , the movements grow out of a firm technical choreographic design .
2 Many students of engineering and other professional or semi-professional fields were in the past part-time not full-time , and sandwich courses have grown out of a long tradition of first night-school , then day release and then block release — a pattern associated in the post-war period mainly with the non-university sector .
3 The fact that the polytechnics have largely grown out of a technical college tradition , geared to different ends , means that they have practical problems of a kind unfamiliar to the universities today .
4 The music of Taizé has grown out of a particular context , culture and spirituality and it effectively serves the need of the ecumenical community for which it is composed .
5 We are concerned here with the more recent debates that have used the inner city as a central organising theme , debates that have grown out of the economic boom years of the second half of the 1980s in many of the richest economies in the world .
6 Third World taxes have grown out of the colonial experience .
7 At twenty he had not quite grown out of the gangling stage either in the control of his long limbs or in the expression of his most deeply felt thoughts and emotions .
8 In Soho the Partisan coffee bar , founded by the New Left Review — which had grown out of the New Reasoner in 1960- was attracting a far more Bohemian and disreputable crowd than the straighter new leftists for which it had been intended .
9 The agreement by the County Council to transfer St. Peter 's to the minister was not without irony — the Ministry of Health had grown out of the same succession of poor laws which had produced both the institution and , indeed , local government itself .
10 In their publicity for the film , Warner Bros boasted of the way in which the story had grown out of an actual incident and of Judge Musmanno 's involvement in the subsequent litigation , and also of how ex-miners had been brought in to ensure authentic mining scenes .
11 A third approach which grows out of the Latin American situation is the ‘ Theology of Liberation ’ .
12 Marx in the notebooks is opposed to McLennan , Maine , Phear , and other who disagreed with Morgan over the commonality of the gens , principally because they saw society growing out of the individual monogamous family with its private property .
13 As we read the correspondence we seem to see Dorothy growing out of the gushing flibbertigibbet that she was in 1909 into a person altogether more substantial .
14 Many members of the Party saw the rapid growth in the constituencies as providing the basis for a new form of unitary political party growing out of the political wing and resembling the mass socialist parties of Europe .
15 Gunn creates the image of the part finished statue growing out of the unhewn marble block .
16 ICL itself admits to be investigating a parallel processor architecture that will use HyperSparc , sources say this is likely to grow out of a 256 CPU parallel system that the company is now building under the auspices of the European Community 's Esprit project .
17 In the following example from the organ pedal melody of the Entrée in Messiaen 's Messe de la Pentecôte , only four pitches are used , yet the composer reshapes the rhythms and note-orders so skilfully that there is no feeling of repetitiousness or monotony : In Example 17 , from the slow movement of Bartók 's Fourth String Quartet , we have a wonderfully sweeping melody which seems to grow out of the first bar .
18 By contrast with Godwin and his circle , who grew out of a broad and rising general formation , at first not in critical relations with its own class , the Pre-Raphaelites , who were in majority from families of the commercial bourgeoisie , were in conscious opposition to the main cultural tendencies of their class , though they may finally be seen as articulating and expressing them .
19 Their varied and imaginative tactics grew out of a strong collective identity developed in the face of the hostility they encountered from management .
20 Creeper grew out of a wheelless Cadillac raised on blocks .
21 Hollywood had always been able to recruit actors who could authentically depict urban working men and by the end of the silent era Bickford and Beery had almost achieved perfection in suggesting that kind of independence that grew out of a tough upbringing and an even tougher manhood .
22 ‘ For example , a neural networks project grew out of a Harwell-led European initiative , ANNIE .
23 Jackson has denied any wrongdoing and his representatives contend the sex-abuse claims grew out of a botched 20 million dollars extortion plot .
24 This project grew out of a previous ESRC funded study , ‘ Participation in Higher Education ’ ( HR 6846 ) and will build upon the findings of that study .
25 The theme of this chapter has been that a great deal of antislavery argument grew out of a fundamental concern for proper order in the world .
26 Simenon never grew out of an adolescent attraction to crime , and he provides the reader with a vicarious opportunity to share his inverted moral code within the safe confines of a novel .
27 Jedi grew out of an earlier development effort that led to Apple Events , Apple 's application-messaging infrastructure , and AppleScript .
28 Jedi grew out of an earlier development effort that led to Apple Events , Apple 's application-messaging infrastructure , and AppleScript .
29 This research grew out of an earlier project ( funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the History of the University of Oxford ) to collect data on the social origins , university experience and career destination of a stratified 10% sample of Oxford University 's twentieth century members .
30 The scheme grew out of the successful campaign to save the Thaya valley , on the Czech-Austrian border , from hydro-electric development .
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