Example sentences of "grow [prep] an [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Milken bonds helped Mr Ted Turner 's CNN grow into an international supplier of television news .
2 Defensive routines exist ; they are undiscussable ; they proliferate and grow in an underground manner ; the social pollution is hard to identify until something occurs that blows things open .
3 Squids grow to an immense size .
4 The case roles have been modified since Fillmore 's original definition to include restrictions such as these , but the restriction lists grow to an interminable length and the technique is still unable to recognise that two expressions ( e.g. ’ the woman ’ and ’ she ’ ) may refer to the same individual .
5 Where Cannabis was grown as an important fibre crop in the Cambridgeshire fens , the workers in the hemp fields were known to become exceedingly drowsy .
6 The adorable kitten had grown into an uninteresting cat ; Lorna Lewis found herself approaching forty , battling against spreading hips , deepening wrinkles , an unlovable daughter and changing times .
7 The economic theory of job search has grown into an important aspect of labour economics in recent years .
8 It is counterbalanced by the ability of the structure to accept very large numbers of additions — given sufficient space , the structure can grow in an unlimited fashion .
9 It can first be grown in an immersed flower-pot in a smaller tank , and then , once the plant has grown to a substantial height , it should be sunken in the main tank .
10 Having been on the run for nearly four years , Rudi had grown from an early teenager into a young adult .
11 UK market research firm , Ovum Ltd , London , believes the European market for desktop computers will grow from an installed base of 22 million in 1992 to 46 million by 1996 .
12 That a village should be created , rather than grow from an organic root , such as a river ford , or a crossing of forest paths , would surely have drawn a mot from him .
13 In the previous four years GNP had grown at an average rate of about 3 per cent per annum which was lower than the preceding years and unemployment had reached a peak of 8.3 per cent in 1970 .
14 If the first two years of the Thatcher Government are excluded — when the Government managed to achieve a negative rate of growth — the British economy has grown at an average rate of 3 per cent .
15 In 1979 , the World Bank published a glowing report , Romania : Industrialization under Socialist Planning , which claimed , on the basis of official Romanian government figures , that in the quarter century between 1950 and 1975 , the Romanian economy had grown at an average compound annual rate of over 9% .
16 Lynda Warren , author of the report , said : " This industry has grown at an alarming rate , in a complete policy vacuum .
17 Each fingernail grows about an half inch every three months , and toenails about a third of that rate .
18 Also , cassettes are about to grow into an important part of the market .
19 If you wish to encourage mistletoe to grow upon an old apple tree , you should not use seeds which are left after being hung inside the house over Christmas — these will have dried out and besides , winter is not the time to plant them .
20 It 'll be necessary for all of us to go back and look at those very very carefully and to think to what extent they address the kinds of problems that we can actually see developing , the kinds of things which we are fighting our way away from in the statutory services and yet might find that they are growing in an uncontrolled way in the development of the private sector .
21 Under the influence of excessive risk aversion managers are thus liable to cause the firm to grow to an inefficient size and to engage in other forms of behaviour which are sub-optimal from the shareholders ' point of view , such as making low dividend payouts and an inadequate use of the company 's borrowing capacity .
22 In spite of this German industry expanded rapidly : between 1870 and 1913 the UK economy was growing at an annual rate of about 2.2 per cent ; the French economy at 2.6 per cent ; the US economy at 3.2 per cent ; and the German economy at a staggering 4.3 per cent .
23 Once Korn/Ferry 's annual fee income — growing at an annual rate of 30% — had overtaken that of Heidrick and Struggles by 1978 and Boyden by 1979 , they sought overseas expansion .
24 With the South Korean economy growing at an annual rate of 3.1 per cent during the third quarter of 1992 , the lowest recorded level of growth since 1981 , the state of the country 's economy was the key issue of the election campaign .
25 If the economy is not growing at an annual rate of 3 per cent by the middle of 1994 as the Chancellor 's Budget arithmetic assumes , revenues will be less buoyant and the spending on welfare will be greater than forecast .
26 The Indian software industry is growing at an average rate of 35 per cent a year .
27 In this context Japan 's overwhelming dependence on imported oil set off the most severe economic recession since World War II and GNP actually fell by 1 per cent in 1974 after growing at an average rate of nearly 10 per cent in the previous six years .
28 If anything was growing at an alarming rate , it was the network of railway lines running out of the centre of London to outlying suburbs .
29 In rich societies , on the other hand , most people do have enough discretionary income left ( or have easy access to credit ) after they have paid for their food and shelter , though the numbers who do not appear to be growing at an alarming rate in some rich countries ( as the growth of homelessness in the United States and the United Kingdom seems to suggest ) .
30 Counterfeiting is a multi million pound industry and all the signs are that it 's growing at an alarming rate .
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