Example sentences of "claim to have [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many also claimed to have seen a banana-shaped object in the sky , and a characteristic illuminated sign . ’
2 Only Basel can claim to have maintained a strong international list of exhibitors .
3 I can not claim to have undertaken a comprehensive content analysis of the literature , but it is very unusual to find systematic analysis of the ‘ state ’ as such in works on Japan written in English .
4 If this occurs , the buyer can no longer claim to have suffered a total failure of consideration .
5 Unpredictably it is Cambridge that may claim to have played a major part in his developments .
6 Yet I perceive there is still some way to go before voluntary and statutory bodies can claim to have made a serious break-through in mobilising action .
7 The Committee concluded that the broadcasters could legitimately claim to have made a praiseworthy attempt to deliver the sort of programmes they had promised .
8 But a formally established exchange can also claim to have made a formal ( and , in the case of an RIE , a legally binding ) commitment to establish and maintain such features .
9 By 1915 it had become one of the obsessions by which Curtis was possessed serially in the course of his long and active career , and , of all his many projects , the political evolution of India was the one where he could most truly claim to have made a direct contribution to events .
10 Although I could not claim to have made a detailed ethnographic study of the school , the many visits enabled me to gain a fairly broad picture of its ‘ ethos ’ .
11 I had known this lady for many years and could claim to have had a friendly relationship with her .
12 After a spell at Oriel College , Oxford , where he later claimed to have suffered a worthless and drunken tutor , he came to reside at Dumbleton on his grandmother 's death in 1690 and inaugurated a programme of rebuilding and improvement .
13 Fleischmann and Pons were seeing 25 per cent unaccounted-for heat sometimes and had not yet more than the hope of proving that there were neutrons proving fusion ; Jones claimed to have seen a few neutrons at levels which , while interesting for science and understanding aspects of the Earth , bore no large scale practical benefits — what use is a billionth of a watt ?
14 An eye-witness claimed to have seen a yellow Datsun in the area at the relevant time , and McWhirter was painstakingly investigating all of the local Datsun-owners .
15 Chadian forces had previously mounted an attack on a rebel base near Kutum , 200 km inside Sudan , on Oct. 16 , and on Nov. 13-14 they claimed to have destroyed a second base at Inosorro .
16 The Iraqi authorities claimed to have launched a major reconstruction campaign in early March .
17 On April 20 the armed forces claimed to have found a deserted LTTE concentration camp near Mullaittivu , and that the rebels routinely tortured those held in five such camps housing over 6,000 prisoners .
18 The authorities claimed to have smashed a multi-million dollar stock-rigging scheme on Wall Street when , on Jan. 23 , the Manhattan District Attorney ordered the arrest of 21 securities brokers on fraud and racketeering charges .
19 Maradona scored against England in 1986 , accused of handling the ball he claimed to have had a little help from high places ( see remote control and questionable decisions ) .
20 While the fears of some that deals had been done are not justified by our data , in at least one school senior staff claim to have received a Minor Project grant as a retrospective reward .
21 They claim to have discovered a close relationship between the rate of growth in Gross National Product and the type of college education favoured by Britain 's economic competitors , arguing that the nations that prosper most are those that prepare their students best for the " enterprise culture " of the late twentieth century .
22 Tandy , an American company , claim to have invented a recordable CD system .
23 Teachers who claim to have been highly involved also claim to have used a wider variety of methods and feel more competent to conduct the review , believing it to have been more of a whole-school effort , more thorough and more useful in producing proposals for change .
24 There are also those who claim to have identified a cyclical pattern to the way in which technical developments arise .
25 Duke , 41 , became a Republican in 1989 after claiming to have undergone a Christian conversion and rejected his racist views .
26 As the votes were counted it became clear that the contest was the closest federal election for 30 years , with both sides claiming to have won a narrow victory .
27 Yet in May , the most august of all such journals , the Proceedings of the Royal Society , will carry a paper claiming to have identified a new evolutionary force .
28 By 1879 , one exasperated commentator remarked : ‘ M A. Guyard claims to have discovered a new metal of the platinum group which he names uralium , from the Ural mountains , whence the ore is procured .
29 Karimov claims to have discovered a direct correlation between nuclear tests conducted at the Soviet testing site of Semipalatinsk over the years and earthquakes throughout the former Soviet Union .
30 There was a public enquiry recently , and I 've got the Inspector 's report here , and in his report he says the Council claims to have adopted a positive approach towards gipsy site provision , but in my judgement there is no tangible evidence whatsoever of this .
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